Page 110 of Lonely for You Only

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Kind of like how I bury my head in the sand sometimes and pretend I don’t see what’s really happening around me.

“You’ve been given thisamazingopportunity to change your whole life for the better, to get a second chance, like you just said. You’re able to sing again and reach potentially millions of people with your words, and all you can do is stress about how much pressure this is and how you can’t come up with any lyrics for your songs.” She presses her lips together when she’s done, wincing when our gazes meet once again. “It’s true, Tate. Instead of looking at it like such a negative, you need to convince yourself this opportunity you have is a positive.”

What she’s saying is right, but it’s easier said than done.

“But how?” I stare out at the water once more, focusing on a fishing boat in the distance, watching as it bobs in the water. “I don’t think you understand the pressure I’m under, Scarlett.”

“I’m trying to. I can sort of relate to it.”

I glance over at her. “How?”

“I have to deal with my dad and mom’s fame day in and day out. And my dad wants me to be just like him, causing a scandal, or more like a big ruckus everywhere I go, and I’m not built like that.” She grabs a handful of sand and throws it aggressively, the sand scattering all over her feet. “I’ve lurked in the shadows of my parents and my family’s legacy my entire life. I finally get a chance to stand on my own two feet, and I’m still tied to someone. You.”

Guilt hits me like a sock to my stomach. “Is that such a bad thing?”

She shrugs. “It is what it is. And this is nothing against you. I understand what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. I just hate that I’m getting dragged along like I always do with someone else.”

I remain quiet, absorbing her words. She just wants to be her own person. Viewed for her own name and not her family’s. I get that. I do. I want to stand on my own two feet, instead of always being referred to as that drunk guy who used to sing with Five Car Pileup. I’m only known for the band, and I want to prove to people that I’m more than that. That I’m more than just a stupid teenager who made some dumbass mistakes on a public stage.

“I sound like a whiny baby,” she finally says, her voice quiet.

“No you don’t,” I immediately reassure her.

“And I made this all about me, when really this is about you.” She reaches out, her hand resting on my knee as she gives it a squeeze. I feel her touch to the depths of my soul—truthfully, the fucking depths of my balls. And I never want her to remove her hand from my leg again. “You can do it, Tate. You just need to believe in yourself.”

“It’s just really fucking hard sometimes, you know?” I admit, my voice low. I feel like I’m revealing a deep, dark secret, confessing my struggles. “But you’re right. I need to get over my shit and believe in myself.”

“I believe in you,” she says with an encouraging smile.

My heart cracks wide open for her. I don’t think anyone has ever said those actual words to me before.

I believe in you.

“I believe in you too.” I rest my hand over hers, skimming my thumb across her knuckles. “If you want to be a social media influencer and document your travels all over the world, you can fucking do it, Scar. Not like money is holding you back.”

“Yeah, well, my own mental state can hold me back sometimes.” She shakes her head. “But I need to let go of those negative thoughts just like you do and believe in myself too, right?”


We stare at each other, the sun casting golden beams of light across her face, and I lean in, giving in to my urges as usual, and brush her mouth with mine. She kisses me back, our lips clinging, parting.

A phone starts ringing.

“Damn it,” I mutter against her lips. “That’s my phone.”

Scarlett pulls away, flushing prettily. “Always interrupted.”

I glance at the screen, seeing it’s fucking Simon this time around, and I answer his call. “What’s up?”

“You left the house?” He sounds like an angry parent.

“I needed to clear my head.”

“Where are you now?”

“At the beach.”

“Well, you need to get back home and change. You’re going to a movie premiere tonight.”
