Page 112 of Lonely for You Only

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There’s a knock on my door, and I reply, “Come in.”

The door swings open, and there’s Tate, taking my breath away completely in a stark black two-piece suit accompanied by a dark-pink button-down shirt, the first couple of buttons undone at the neck, exposing some of his chest. There’s a thin silver chain around his neck, scruff on his face, and now he’s the one who’s golden from the sun, thanks to our afternoon by the ocean.

Our gazes meet in the mirror, and I see the approval shining in his eyes. “You look gorgeous.”

I turn to face him, letting him get the full effect of the dress. “So do you.”

“Black and white.” He enters the room, slowly walking toward me. “Opposites attract, maybe?”

“Good cop, bad cop,” I correct. “Though I don’t think I’ve seen the bad cop wear pink before.”

“I’m starting a new trend.” He glances down at his shirt before meeting my gaze once more. “Is the pink too much?”

“No, I love it.” I smile when he stops directly in front of me, towering over me despite the silver stiletto Louboutins on my feet. Simon went all out with the clothes and accessories he had sent over for us. “Is it Gucci?”

“Prada. Harry has got the Gucci market cornered.” Tate slips his hands into his pockets, his gaze lazily roaming over me from head to toe. “Damn, Scar. I don’t know if I want to take you out tonight.”

I’m immediately frowning. “Why not?”

“I don’t want anyone to know what a snack I’ve been keeping.” He laughs when I scowl at him. “What, you don’t like being referred to as a snack?”

“I don’t think I’ve ever been called that before.” I’m trying to look like it offends me, but I give up and let the smile free.

I don’t mind being called a snack at all.

He crowds me, staring at himself in the mirror, and I turn so I’m standing right next to him, contemplating the both of us. He slips his arm around my waist, his hand resting loosely on my hip, fingers brushing the cutout in my dress just above my hip bone. “I like the holes.”

“It’s called a cutout,” I correct him.

“Whatever. I like them. You’re utterly elegant, and also a little naughty.” He smiles at me in the mirror, tilting his head toward mine. “What do you think?”

It’s been such a whirlwind of planning and meetings since the moment I whispered the worddealto Tate on the sidewalk. I’ve barely had a moment to really focus on me and him. On us.

As a couple.

“I think we look good together,” Tate continues when I still haven’t said anything. “I think the paparazzi are going to lose their damn minds when they see you tonight.”

“When the ladies see you in the pink, they’re all going to scream,” I tease him.

His face falls ever so slightly. “Tell me the truth. You hate the pink.”

I turn so I’m actually facing him, not staring at our reflection in the mirror. “I don’t hate it. I love it.” I touch his chest, let my fingers drift down the front of his shirt, savoring the heat of him beneath the soft fabric. “It looks really good on you.”

He settles both of his hands on my hips, his expression turning serious. “This is a big night tonight.”

I blink up at him, remaining quiet.

“We’ve been sort of playing at this couple thing, but this is our first official appearance. They’ll photograph us on the red carpet, take a bazillion photos, and probably ask us a ton of invasive questions. You’ll be tempted to answer.”

I part my lips, ready to speak, but he keeps talking.

“You can’t answer them. You just smile and nod and wave, and we keep walking the red carpet. I’ll do the same. The minute you give them any information, they’ll take it and twist it to fit their agenda.”

“No one has an agenda when it comes to me,” I reassure him, but he’s already shaking his head.

“Theyallhave an agenda, and right now, it involves you and me and ‘How long will those two crazy kids last?’ That’s what they’re focusing on. I’m sure there are plenty of publicity people out there who don’t believe we’re even in an actual relationship.”

Oh. I never thought about that. And they would be correct.
