Page 113 of Lonely for You Only

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“So I’m warning you—I’m going to be all over you tonight. Be prepared.” He leans in and presses his lips to my temple, breathing deep. “I’m going to kiss you and hold you all damn night. I’m going to make it look like I can’t get enough of you. As if I’m obsessed with you.”

Every part of my body is tingling in anticipation at his words.

“Okay,” I whisper, my voice shaky.

“Do you have a problem with that?” His hands shift to my shoulders, holding me away from him at arm’s length, his head bent, his gaze at my level.

I shake my head. “Not at all.”

“Perfect. I’ll need you all over me too then.”

My mouth goes dry. We’ve been building up to this. I knew it would happen eventually. I can do this.

I know I can.

“That won’t be a problem,” I reassure him.

His smile is faint and even full of pride. “I knew you could. Roger and Simon will both be watching. They’ll have expectations, and we need to meet them.”

“You won’t buckle under the pressure?” I ask, suddenly concerned. It was his use of the wordexpectationsthat did it.

“I won’t. I swear.” He drops his hands from my arms and slowly backs away from me. “Are you ready to go? Simon sent a private town car for us to use.”

“I’m ready,” I say with a little nod.

Once I find the tiny white bag that accompanied my dress, we climb into the car and are on our way to the movie premiere. Traffic is relatively light—a rarity in Southern California—and by the time we arrive in front of the theater where the premiere is happening, I’m a nervous wreck.

“Do I look okay?” I ask as we wait in line behind the many other black cars and SUVs dropping people off for the event.

Tate glances over at me, his gaze downright smoldering. “Good enough to eat, Scar.”

I take that as a compliment, but I’m still nervous, tucking my hair behind my ears, my hands fluttery with nerves. By the time it’s our turn to get out, our driver about to open the door, Tate murmurs, “You do realize you’re getting out first.”

And I’m so incredibly grateful the dress isn’t short. “And you’re following right after me, right?”

“Absolutely.” The door swings open, and Tate gives me an encouraging smile. “Go ahead. I’ll be directly behind you.”

Taking a deep, fortifying breath, I climb out of the car, my hand clutching one side of my skirt. I rise to my full height, startled by the many people screaming my name.


The bulbs flash what feels like hundreds of times. All these giant cameras aimed right at me, taking photos of me standing there frozen next to the car.

Tate miraculously appears beside me, slinging his arm around my shoulders and tugging me in close to him. “Smile,” he says out of the side of his mouth.

I jerk my gaze toward him, noting how at ease he seems, his smile in place, his gaze scanning the crowd. “How can you see anyone?”

“I can’t. Just smile for the camera.” He faces me, leaning in and kissing me before I can even paste on a fake smile.

The crowd goes wild, most of them chanting for Tate now. They want his attention—our attention—and act like they will do whatever it takes to get it.

“Come on,” Tate murmurs as he withdraws from me slightly, taking my hand and leading me down the red carpet. Past the barricade that contains the photo corps, ignoring their shouts and questions.

“Tate! Tate! Look over here, Tate! Scarlett!”

“Tate, is it true you’re going on tour next spring?”

“Tate, how’s the album coming?”
