Page 114 of Lonely for You Only

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“Are you two engaged yet, Scarlett?”

“How’s Tate in bed?”

“Word on the street you’re reuniting with your Five Car Pileup bandmates!”

Tate stops at that question, frowning at the guy who asked it. “Where did you hear that?”

The man shrugs. “Saw it somewhere on the internet. Reddit?”

Tate groans and keeps walking, my hand still firmly in his. “Reddit,” I can hear him muttering. “You can’t trust that site.”

All I can do is smile and look pretty, feeling like a doll. A blind doll who can see nothing thanks to the constant shutter of the flashes.

We enter the building and are greeted by publicity people who are wearing headsets, and they murmur our names into the tiny speakers, not even having to ask who we are.


Once we’re checked in, we stand in front of a promo screen for the movie and take a few photos together, Tate’s hand always resting on my waist, his fingers brushing against my exposed skin thanks to the cutouts. A shiver steals through me every time, and I know he knows. I can tell by the way he smiles.

The way he looks at me.

Once the last of the photos are taken, we go to the concession stand, where all the items are free for the night. I order a bucket of popcorn and a Coke in the largest size they have.

I was too nervous to eat when we were getting ready, and now I’m starving.

“You going to share that with me, or should I order my own?”

Turning to my right, I find Tate smiling at me, standing in front of the counter as the concession employee gazes at him with wide-eyed wonder.

I’m probably her age. She might even wish she were me, just for the opportunity to be with Tate tonight.

“I’ll share,” I tell him teasingly. “Though I wouldn’t mind if you got some M&M’s.”

“You heard my date,” Tate tells the employee, flashing her that devastating smile. The poor girl. I can barely withstand it myself.

“Are you really going to eat greasy, buttery popcorn in that gorgeous white dress?” the publicity woman asks me, her tone snide.

I glance over at her, frowning. She looks to be in her midtwenties, maybe even late twenties, with a pinched expression and overly bleached blond hair. She’s clearly not impressed with me.

Well, that’s just great. I’m not impressed with her either.

“I am.” I take the bucket from the concession worker and lift it toward the publicity woman in a sort of cheers gesture. “This is my dinner.”

“Better make sure you take some napkins,” the woman says as I grab my giant cup.

“What, are you her mother?” Tate slides his arm around my waist and guides me away from the concession counter. “What the hell was her problem?”

“I don’t know. Maybe she’s tired of dealing with celebrities.” I carefully nudge my elbow into his waist. “Did you get the candy?”

He holds up the familiar brown box. “Sure did. You going to share that drink with me?”

“And the popcorn,” I reassure him.

“You’re so generous,” he says as we enter the darkened theater and follow a gentleman who takes us to our seats. Once we’re settled in, Tate leans over and whispers in my ear, “Think you’ll let me make out with you back here?”

We’re in one of the farthest-back rows. And who’s going to be watching us? They’ll all be focused on the movie.

“If you’re lucky.” I toss some popcorn into my mouth.
