Page 116 of Lonely for You Only

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I remember the night. I barely remember the girl. Just that she had a good mouth and all I could think about was her sucking my dick. It was right after I caught Jessica with Jamie, so I was feeling especially down in the dumps.

Eager to lose myself in alcohol. Drugs.

Someone else.

“I am.” Katrina scoots closer, and I catch the strong, almost overwhelming scent of her perfume. “I slept with a lot of producers to get this role, and I’m not about to fuck it up now. I have some jobs lined up.”

I’m literally starting to sweat, and my gaze goes to the server, who’s drawing closer, thank God.

I hate Los Angeles. Hollywood. It’s all the same. Everyone’s a shark. Or a snake.

And they’re all out to get you.

“That’s great,” I tell her. “Good for you.”

I’m saved by the server, who interrupts us to take our drink orders. Katrina orders some overpriced alcoholic drink, while I ask for an ice water before I turn my focus on Scarlett, who’s watching me with a slight frown on her face, a hurt glow in her gaze.

Shit. She probably overheard my conversation with Katrina.

Leaning in toward Scarlett, I murmur, “You all right?”

“Do you know her?” She inclines her head toward Katrina.

“Barely.” I shrug, desperate to play it off.

“I thought I heard her say you two met once.”

“We did.” I don’t want to go into too much detail with Scarlett when it comes to Katrina. “The typical Hollywood thing, you know? Back in my Five Car Pileup days.”

“Uh-huh.” The shrewd look Scarlett sends my way has me squirming in my seat, but thankfully, we’re interrupted by the server, who requests her drink order.

Once the server leaves, Scarlett keeps her back toward me, starting up conversation with the actor who’s sitting on her other side. He’s probably in his early thirties, and he’s been in a few movies. She knows exactly who he is but is playing it cool.

Ignoring me.

And leaving me with no choice but to talk to Katrina, since the people sitting directly across from me are involved in a hushed, serious-looking conversation.

“Your new girl is real cute.” Katrina’s voice is laced with sarcasm.

I send her a cool look. “I think so.”

“Kind of young, though.” Katrina flashes me a smile. “You into that sort of thing?”

“What are you referring to?”

“Young girls who are barely eighteen and have never sucked a dick before? Because that’s what she looks like.” Katrina laughs, the sound annoying the shit out of me. “She’s just a baby, really. Especially compared to you.”

“I’m not that much older than her.” I glance over at Scarlett yet again, but her back is still to me, tension radiating off her.

Like she’s mad.

“I’m not talking about your ages. I know what you’re all about, Tate Ramsey, and you have no business entertaining a cute little innocent thing like that heiress.” Katrina inclines her head toward Scarlett. “Send her home to Daddy and end this charade for good. Find yourself a real woman.”

Her charade remark hits home, but I ignore it. Ignore the wave of unease that sweeps over me. She has no idea what’s going on between me and Scarlett.

No one really does.

“A real woman, huh? Like you?”
