Page 42 of Heartbeat

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All of a sudden, Sean heard a little voice and then running footsteps.

“Uncle Sean! Uncle Sean!”

He turned and saw Lili running toward him, and her mother, Rachel, a few steps behind, trying to catch her. He grinned and swooped Lili up in his arms.

“Hi, baby! How’s my best girl? Are you feeling all better now?”

“Yes. I don’t cough so much anymore. Mama says you’re a zero!”

Sean grinned.

“Lili, for God’s sake!” Rachel said, when she finally caught up. “Hero. I saidhero.”

Sean laughed, and Amalie was in a state of delight.

“Oh yeah. Hero,” Lili said, then gave Amalie the side-eye as the waiter returned with their drinks.

“Can you give us a few more minutes to decide on food?” Sean asked.

“Sure thing,” the waiter said, and walked away.

Amalie winked at Lili.

Lili giggled. “Is she your grillfriend?”

“Girlfriend,” Rachel corrected, then gave Sean an adult version of Lili’s side-eye. “Introductions?”

Now Rachel and Lili were both waiting for answers.

Sean sighed. “Apparently, I was so overwhelmed by the presence of three beautiful females, I forgot my manners. Rachel, this is my friend, Amalie Lincoln. We went to school together back in Conway. I am delighted to say she’s recently moved to Jubilee. You might have seen the sign in the business center next to the bank about the new CPA? Amalie, this is my cousin, Rachel Glass, who is also Lili’s mother and the wife of Louis Glass, who’s the bartender here. He’s the one looking at us now. Maybe we can all wave.”

Amalie burst out laughing. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Rachel, and you, too, Miss Lili. I also understand you were very, very brave at your school, and I know how hard that can be, so that makes you a hero, too.”

Lili’s eyes widened. “Am I, Mama? Am I a hero, too?”

Rachel’s eyes were suddenly shimmering with unshed tears. “Yes, ma’am. You sure are! Now you’ve said hello to Uncle Sean and his friend Amalie. Let’s go back to our booth and order lunch. We came to have lunch with Daddy, remember?”

Lili reluctantly slid out of Sean’s lap and took her mother’s hand.

Rachel looked down at Sean. “You’re a great zero to me, Sean Pope. And it’s a pleasure to meet you, Amalie. Welcome to Jubilee. I’m sure we’ll see you again.”

Sean was a little anxious as to how Amalie had taken all that. Big families were often overwhelming, but he need not have worried.

Amalie was enchanted. “What a little beauty.”

“She’s all Pope, too. Impulsive, hardheaded, and loyal to the bone,” Sean said.

“I could see that. I got the side-eye,” Amalie said. “I think she was checking out her competition. I mean… being Uncle Sean’s best girl has to have boundaries.”

Sean grinned. “Technically, we’re cousins twice removed, but we’re all aunts and uncles to the little ones, no matter what the connection. As for you being her competition, she’s just going to have to face it. Now. What sounds good to you?”

“Chicken Caesar salad and a side of onion rings.”

“Umm, your food orders are as perfect as your eye for design,” he said. “If I get a cheeseburger and fries, I’ll trade you a handful of fries for a couple of onion rings.”

“Deal,” Amalie said.

Sean waved down the waiter, gave their order, and then turned his attention back to Amalie.
