Page 73 of Heartbeat

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Wolf was up before sunrise. He’d just received confirmation that the six bodyguards were in place. Now he needed to plug the holes in the dike before Fiona found out what was happening.

His first call was to his lawyer, Arnie Walters. He called Arnie’s personal phone, knowing he’d still catch him at home, and knowing Arnie was going to be immediately suspicious when he saw Wolf’s name come up on his caller ID, he made a video call.

The look on Arnie’s face was priceless.

“What the hell?” Arnie shouted.

“Sorry for the shock, Arnie. It’s me and I’m not dead. I’ve been in hiding, and we have a problem.”

The hair was still standing on the back of Arnie’s neck. “What the hell is going on?”

Wolf began to explain, then told Arnie what he needed him to do.

“The first thing is to null and void my will and remove Fiona’s name from anything to do with me. Put the name Amalie Lincoln as the sole heir and recipient of everything I own upon my death.”

“Is that your daughter?”

“Yes,” Wolf said.

“Don’t you think you need to wait until a DNA test has confirmed that?”

“She’s the spitting image of her mother, who died in my arms. has already linked us. That’s good enough for me.”

“I can do that,” Arnie said, “but you’ll have to personally sign the new will before it’s valid.”

“Say the word when it’s ready and I’ll be there,” Wolf said.

“This is like something out of a freaking soap opera,” Arnie muttered.

“More like a nightmare,” Wolf said. “She killed Stu and Zander, thinking she was killing me.”

“Have the feds arrested her?”

“It’s in progress and under wraps. Say nothing, and if you need anything else from me, just call.”

“Will do. And Wolf…welcome back to the land of the living,” Arnie said.

Wolf sighed. “Thank you. It feels good to be back.”

As soon as that call ended, Wolf made a call to Dillon Quarles, his banker in Miami.

After a similar reaction and conversation with Dillon, he had their joint accounts frozen until further notice.

“Is this public knowledge? Does everyone know this?” Dillon asked.

“My resurrection will be announced sometime today by the feds. Say nothing about anything else I’ve told you, understand?”

“You can count on my discretion,” Dillon said. “We value your business, and I’m overjoyed to see your face and hear your voice again.”

“Thanks,” Wolf said. “I’ll be in touch.”

And then the last call he made was to Ruiz in Sao Paulo. But when he made the call, it went to voicemail. He didn’t want to leave a message and thought little of it, making a mental note to try later.

Once the feds had a bead on Fiona Rangely’s location, the teams descended.

Ramsey’s partner, Special Agent Brokaw, arrived at Fiona’s office with a forensic team and a search warrant, bypassing her secretary, who followed them in protesting, and walked straight into Fiona’s office. He flashedhis badge and put a search warrant directly into Fiona’s hands.

“Fiona Rangely, I’m Special Agent Brokaw. You are being served with a search warrant for your office, and another is being served at your home. We are taking you into custody for questioning in the crash of a helicopter on the outskirts of Jubilee, Kentucky, which resulted in the deaths of two men.”
