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He was going to leap up the very second she pressed him in some soft spot.

Then probably storm out of his own house. She’d have to run after him down the drive, shouting that he lived there. And that wasn’t even the worst thing she could imagine happening. After all—it was bad, there was no question about that. But really it was just him, and his own feelings, overreacting to nothing.

It didn’t reflect on her in any way.

However, she could imagine ways that itmight.

Like if he started to think she was enjoying unraveling him.

Because if she was being honest, she kind of had.

And okay, not in asexyway. She didn’t fancy him, or anything. God no, he was pretty much the opposite of her type. But she had still enjoyed certain things about him, and he might notice at some point and think more of it than what it was, and oh, that was indisputably worse. It was the sort of misunderstanding she dreaded with a man like him. A famous man, of the sort people generally found very attractive, and who had dated whole supermodels and actresses from actual movies.

After all, chances were high that a man like that would be horrified if he discovered someone who wasn’t a size zero had a crush on him. Which, screw him if he did. But even if he didn’t, even if he liked that she was curvy, there were other things that bothered him about her.

She was too fluffy for him. Too much like a cupcake.

And that meant a lot of careful consideration of what to wear.

Or at least, a lot of calling friends sotheycould consider what she should wear. Starting with the one she relied on the most, the one who was always there for her and had been since college, the one who even tolerated her using the epithetbestie—Connie, oh lovely, good Connie.

“Okay,” she started, as soon as her friend picked up. “What exactly would you wear if you wanted to show a man that you’re definitely not interested in him in a sexy way. Or that you’re trying too hard. Or like you’re not just a cute little moppet who’s going to annoy the crap out of him. But at the same time, you want to seem like you’re ready and able to get down to business.”

Because of course she had to be vague. She had to be careful. The contract was very clear about not causing Mr. Harding any embarrassment by revealing that he had hired a ghostwriter.

She just wished she hadn’t beenthatvague, once the words were out.

And suddenly all she could hear were screams of delight. “I would say holy shit are you about to get down to some business?” Connie finally managed to say, while Mabel wondered how a) she’d somehow blundered into this suggestion and b) what on earth she was going to do to get out of it.

“Connie. Connie. No. No, oh my gosh, no. The exact opposite.”

“So it’s someone who is going to get down to business with you?”

“That is not the exact opposite of what I said and you know it.”

“I do. But sue me, I got excited about you finally having some sex.”

Finally, she thought wearily. As if it had been a thousand years!

Which to be fair, in Connie’s mind, even a month probably was.

But still. She winced. “Well, you can just put that excitement away, because I’m totally not. I just need advice on my clothes for something kind of important.”

“And you’re not gonna tell me what this important thing is?”

“I will at some point, you know I will. But just for right now: help.”

“Okay,” Connie said. Because god bless her, she never madeMabel regret it when she actually dropped some of that sunny, everything-is-fine disposition a bit, and admitted she was in a spot of bother. “What was the criteria again?”

“Not too try-hard, not too sexy, not too cute.”

“So like, a business suit.”

“I don’thavea business suit. And anyway, I think it would seem too slick.”

“Right. Then how about something messy? That still saysI get things done.”

“Tell me what you’ve got in mind,” she said. And Connie did. She spelled out exactly what Mabel should wear, and how she should style herself: from the dungarees that screamed unconcerned about her appearance, but definitely suggested she was a hard worker, to the wild hair she superficially brushed, but didn’t tame in the slightest. And as for her makeup?
