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About a second before she swept right out of the room.


I know you think that went terribly, but honestly I don’t think it sounds that bad at all. Greg seems to think he was a lot nicer to you than all seventeen of the others! I’m sure as soon as we can manage to get ahold of Alfie we can sort all this out. Apparently, he doesn’t have email. But Greg has assured me he does have a phone, it’s just only turned on sometimes. Tuesdays and Thursdays, I think Greg said, but it was hard to be sure, he sounded extremely busy.

I’ll let you know as soon as we hear something!

Emmy x


Leafland Literary Agency, Inc.

220 Madison Avenue, Suite 406

New York, NY 10016


Foreword to James Dolan’s Memoir,It Had to Be Me

What isn’t there to say about James that hasn’t already been said? He’s a top bloke, never leaves you hanging. No glory-hogging or any of that. No messing you around. Not to get too mushy or anything, but I’d, you know. Shake his hand.

Anyway, enough about me.

Get on with reading this book.

TwoHow to Accidentally Get a Date with Gary Lineker

Mabel knew exactly who was trying to call her. After all, she’d just abandoned a meeting with a man Harchester desperately wanted to work with. And most likely he’d taken that as an even greater insult than whatever the other seventeen ghostwriters had done. So there was no way Greg was just going to let her off the hook. At the very least, there were going to be stern emails to Emmy about how she’d never work in this town again.

Even though what she’d done was really the best thing for everybody. She didn’t and couldn’t work with someone that rude. And even if she could have, Alfie Harding clearly did not want to anyway. It was all just a chance to mess around with people, to him. Or maybe a ploy to get people off his back about writing this thing. She’d heard through the grapevine that he was being pushed by his manager into this deal. In fact, she suspected that was the reason said manager hadn’t been in attendance. Too much chance of things being smoothed over. Then next thing you knew, there was no reason not to sign on the dotted line.

No, no, that wasn’t what he was looking for. And she should have known it the second she heard that any contract was contingent on him liking whoever he was supposed to work with.

She’d been a fool.

The whole thing would have been a disaster.

A mess of a million scary arguments.

Him, coming up with increasingly horrible insults.

Her, eventually tossing him into the nearest wood chipper.

And she just didn’t have easy access to machinery like that.

So it seemed like a good thing to have done what she had done. And she was ready to tell Greg that by the third of what she assumed were his calls. She took a deep breath and hit accept. All of her ready for Greg’s slick patter.

And got the deepest depths of the North instead.

“Hello, I am trying to speak with Ms. Mabel Willicker,” Alfie Harding said.

As if that made the least bit of sense. Starting with the fact that he was calling her after that whole hullabaloo. And ending with the absolutely baffling words he’d gone with. He sounded like a man attempting to get in touch with customer service.

“I feel like you should already know you’re speaking to her,” she said in the most sardonic voice she could muster up. Which wasn’t very sardonic at all, she had to admit. Truthfully, it was almost as chipper as she usually sounded.
