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“I dunno about that. I thought I’d never crack you.”

“You’ve been cracking me for ages. I just pretended otherwise.”

In for a penny, she thought.In for a pound. And oh, the reaction it got.

He actually threw his hands up the heavens. “Oh, I fuckingknewit,” he growled out. “I knew you were holding out. You littledemon.”

“I’ma demon? What about you—you’ve been doing the same exact thing.”

“Yeah, but you know why I do. You know I’ve got good bloody reason.”

“Well, maybe I do, too.”

“All right then. Let’s hear it.”

He folded his arms. But his face didn’t match the body language. It wasn’t annoyed or defensive—it was open and waiting. Almost eager, it seemed like. But of course she couldn’t give him the whole truth. She couldn’t tell him about fat girls and even remotely attractive men and what happened when you seemed too giggly with them. When you laughed at their jokes, like you fancied them.

He wouldn’t understand. And then she’d have to explainthe whole bullshit thing, and it was annoying and embarrassing enough having those memories of a million handsome dudes treating her like that in her own head, without having to explain it to him.

He’d probably think she held him in the same contempt as she held those pillocks. Or find it all baffling in a way that she’d never be able to make him understand.

And she couldn’t afford that now, with everything that stretched in front of them. So she simply said this, instead: “I just don’t want to seem too silly in front of someone so stoic.” And it worked. He didn’t look the least bit perturbed.

In fact, he shook his head. And his eyes seemed to go all soft.

Like he thought she was wrong to feel that way. But it kind of hurt him that she did. And then he said, “You could never seem too silly because you laughed, Mabel. I want you to laugh. I want you to be happy. Or at least, as happy as you can be, when you’re hanging around with a grumpy arse like me.”

And oh, oh, oh. That hit her hard in the feels.

So hard, in fact, that she simply had to set him straight.

“Iamhappy, hanging around with a grumpy arse like you. Because you’re not that. You’re sweet, and kind, and most of all, I trust you. So you know what? If we have to kiss, we have to kiss. I know it’ll be all right. I always know everything will be all right when I’m with you,” she said.

And in that moment, she didn’t regret it.

She really believed it was true.

Hey Mabel,

So oh my god? What is going on? I’ve been absolutely swamped with calls and emails and god knows what else. Are you okay? Why didn’t you tell me what was happening? I mean I know you said you were getting along well with him but I had no idea you meantthiswell.

Obviously, I’m most concerned with your well-being, and how we’re going to handle all this attention—I thought maybe it was all just to do with the brawling and the headbutting and the declarations of love, but it seems to be feeding on itself a bit and spreading across social media as a Thing.

Which might be taking a toll on you, but also could be something of an opportunity? I know you’ve always been reluctant to branch out a bit beyond the ghostwriting and such, but this could be the springboard you always felt you needed. I can put out some feelers, especially now that you’ve got this new super-enthusiastic editor.

I think he’s hinted at something we could put together?

Let me know how you’re feeling, what you’re thinking.

And hey—I’m happy for you, sweetheart.

Big hugs,

Emmy x


Leafland Literary Agency, Inc.

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