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She didn’t mean to shoot him a look. Or let her eyes go wide.

It just happened, the second he said it, and the only thing that saved them was how much the actual sentiment seemed to satisfy Daisy. She nodded, like that made all the sense in the world, and started riffling through the pile of outfits again. So she pretty much missed Mabel gawping at Alfie, while Alfie did his best not to acknowledge that any gawping was happening.

He just stared straight ahead.

Like what he’d said was normal.

Which she supposed it was, really.

It was the way things were meant to be with him—a fact Daisy confirmed.

“Well, roasting someone right now does sound more like you,” she said, so it was fine, it was fine, it all made sense. They were in the clear.

It was just that she didn’tfeellike they were in the clear.

She felt all weird and wobbly and sweaty.

And apparently, so did Alfie.

His face was glossed with perspiration.

She could see him actually vibrating, minutely.

“You can go now, Daisy,” he said through gritted teeth.

Though somehow it didn’t feel any better once she had. She waltzed out, with a wink, leaving them in what felt like the aftermath of an alien invasion. She immediately wanted to hidein a cupboard, or start screaming, or maybe sink to the ground. Every one of her muscles had apparently turned to soup; she was incapable of speech for a full minute.

And Alfie was no better.

He went directly to the fridge.

Got out her four-pinter of milk.

Then chugged it straight from the bottle.

“I’m sorry,” he said when he was done downing a dairy product like it was hard liquor. “I had to drink something. My mouth feels like I just ate fifty cream crackers all at once. I’m honestly afraid I may never experience saliva again.”

“It’s all right. Because I’m going to take it off you and do the same.”

She did, too. Without even caring that he’d just had his mouth around it.

Although she did think about it quite a bit once she’d done it.

Mainly because he stared at her as she did.

Thankfully, however, he didn’t say anything about the fact that they’d just kissed via the medium of a large plastic bottle of milk. He sank into a kitchen chair instead and blew out a long, agonized breath. “Well, that was fucking hell on earth.”

“I think I passed out standing up.”

“My entire soul is sweating.”

“You said so many things,” she moaned. “So many.”

“I know. And I regret every single one of them.”

“You should. You almost fucked us about ten times.”

“Yeah, and even when I didn’t, I made a fucking mess. I mean that roasting thing, oh god, I said I’d roast you, why did I sayroast? I could have just said make love, but oh no. I had to let that come out of me, like a horny demon with no control over himself.” He put his head in his hands. Then finished in a voice muffled by the embarrassment barrier they provided, “What must you think of me?”
