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And oh god, the way he went about it.

He just sort of slanted his mouth over hers, in this incredibly firm but rolling way. Like she’d seen people do in movies but had never experienced in real life. She hadn’t even thought itexistedin real life, if she was being honest. It had just seemed like one of those things people did to look on good on camera.

Only somehow it wasn’t.

It was an actual kissing technique that someone could just do to you. They could just rock their mouths against yours, over and over, in these long, languid strokes that she didn’twantto admit felt good. She didn’t want to enjoy them. It seemed absolutely ridiculous to enjoy them in these circumstances.

There were people by her gate gawking at them.

And yet it was happening all the same.

She almost made a whole sound, about thirty seconds in. And the hand she had in his hair wanted to tighten. It wanted to clutch at him, desperately—like he was somehow drowning her. Like this was all she had to hold on to before she went under. And then, oh god then, she felt a hot wet flicker against her lips. She felt something slick and good stroke her there and knew.

That was his tongue. He was kissing her with his tongue.

And not even in the usual way that almost never felt good.

No, this was hot. Even she could admit it was hot.

It made her think of other things, lewder things, like someone licking her pussy. And of course the second she thought such a thing, her whole body just went boneless. He had to actually stop her sagging with an arm around her waist. Which of course only made things worse. Now she was just being cradled in big strong arms, while someone kissed her like he was trying to make her come.

And honestly, she couldn’t be sure that was impossible.

What he was doing felt more pleasurable than actual sex she’d had.

By the time he pulled away she was almost beside herself.

And that was bad, oh, it was so bad, because for just a second she came close to doing something ridiculous—like pulling him back to her by his lapels, again. Only this time, she kind of suspected she really meant it. That it wasn’t just to prove he wasn’t hideous to her, or something daft like that. It was all him, and how he’d made her feel. And just as she was reckoning with that, he nodded.

Like he was sayingjob done.

Then he breezed away without a second glance.

Tweets,July 2018



Am I just in a dry spell or is Alfie Harding hotter than he’s ever been


Replying to @ConnieBoBonny

Friend, what are you talking about he’s hair with eyes


Yeah that’s what’s good about him, the hairier he gets the hotter he is


Okay maybe you have a point about the hair, but what about all the mauling people that he does oh wait wait let me back up I think I’m just making him sound even more like a sexy werewolf


Stop, mercy, I’m horny enough as it is
