Page 103 of One Wrong Move

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“Maybe you should trust it more,” he said, running the back of his fingers along her neck, wishing they had more time. The look in her eyes said she was wishing it too, then something shifted.

He cocked his head. “What’s wrong?”

She pursed her lips.

“What’s that face for?” He chuckled. “Looks like you ate something sour.”

“It’s just ...” She shifted to face him better. “I wholeheartedly believe someone set me up, but what if I was wrong?”

He frowned. “About being set up?” He didn’t believe that for a second. She was too good and meticulous to botch a job, and that wasn’t just the amazing way she made him feel, how she made him want to be a better man just for her. His gut said she was innocent of all the claims.

She fiddled with the black tassel on her blouse. “No.” She shifted, pulling her knee up on the seat.

“Then what?” he asked, resting his hand on it.

“What if I was wrong about Mitch?” she said, her voice quiet.

“What do you mean?”

“What if he was innocent and what I said sent an innocent man to jail?”

“You reported what you found.”

“A partial match to Mitch Abrams. Thoughpartialin this case means a rare chance it wasn’t him.” She hesitated, biting her lip. “But a chance still existed.”

“You testified it was a partial match. You did the work and told the truth.”

“But how can we both be right?”

“You and...”

Her shoulders drooped. “Your brother.”

“Deck is working for you now.”

“Yes, but that doesn’t mean he suddenly believes me.”

“Deck’s a good enough investigator, he’ll start from zero and work your case from there.”

“But he got evidence to prove Mitch’s innocence. How can he be innocent and me still set up ... if that makes any sense.”

Christian slumped back against the seat and exhaled, soaking in what she was saying. Their case was twisty enough by itself, but weave in Deckard and Harper working her case, and it was a tangledmess. He exhaled. “I know it won’t be easy, but let’s allow Deck and Harper to handle your case and us focus on ours.”

She nodded.

“Hey.” He tipped her chin up with a crooked finger. “I don’t for one second believe you did anything wrong.”

“You just met me, despite how deeply ...” She cleared her throat. “The fact is you haven’t known me long. How can you be so certain?”

“Because my gut never lies.” A flash of movement caught his attention. He rapidly shifted his gaze. A man slipped behind the brick building.

“What’s wrong?” She scanned the parking lot.

“Hang on a sec.” He shifted the car in reverse. It was probably nothing, but his gut was telling him otherwise, and as he’d just told Andi, it never lied.

Pulling around the rear of the building, he scanned the area ... nobody walking, all rear establishment doors shut. He shifted his gaze to the parked car. No white SUV. A total of ten cars were parked. Was the man sitting there in one of them? No way he had time to disappear from sight that quickly. He had to be somewhere.

“Start scanning the cars,” he said.
