Page 114 of One Wrong Move

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He blew a strand of hair from his forehead, but it just fell back in place. He tried again, and she chuckled.

“Here, let me,” she said. She scooted toward him and brushed the unruly hair from his forehead, then ran her fingers through his hair to help it blend back in.

An unexpected wave of tingling shot through him from the gentle touch of her hand.

Their eyes held a moment, and she pulled her hand back, biting her bottom lip. “I’m so glad ...” She cleared the emotion bubbling up her throat and tried again. “I’m so glad Sarah saw the woman and was able to do the sketch. I think it’s the key that’s going to open the first door we need to walk through.”

“Agreed, and Riley’s good. She’ll get the information we need.”

Christian’s cell trilled. “I hope it’s Deckard and Harper with an update,” he said, retrieving his phone and putting it on speaker at the sight of Joel’s name. “Hey, Joel. Andi’s here with me. Okay to put you on speaker? We’ve got interesting news for you.”

“Of course. Hey, Andi,” Joel said. “So before I get to my news, tell me about yours?”

Christian raked a hand through his hair, wishing it was Andi doing so. He longed for her touch, but now was not the time to be focusing on how wonderful she felt. He cleared his throat and attempted to clear his mind. “Did you know Brad and Veronica are having an affair?”


“Yep. Witnessed it ourselves.”

“Uh,” Joel said, letting the word hang in the air a moment before continuing, “that couldn’t have been pretty.”

“Yeah...” Andi said. “Most definitely not.”

“What’s your news?” Christian asked.

“Unfortunately, not good,” Joel said.

“Oh?” Christian stiffened, wondering what more could be coming.

“The sketch we’ve been showing on the news. We got a hit.”

Christian frowned. That wasn’t bad news unless ...

“The sketch matches a Jane Doe found in Pecos.”

“Our mystery woman?”

“I’m afraid so,” Joel said.

Another murder victim. He feared how many more there would be before this case was over and the killer behind bars.

“I’m so glad Christian sent Cara someplace safe,” Andi said, “or I fear the same would have happened to her.”

“Agreed,” Joel said. “The cops in Pecos that found her took the mystery woman’s prints....”

Please let there have been a hit.

“Her name is Julia Brown. Last known address was in L.A.”

Christian arched a brow. “L.A.?”

“Yes. But speaking to her former landlord, she left Cali about six months back.”

“No idea how she got here, why she was here, or where she was staying?”

“No on the first two. On the third ... given the seedy motel her body was found in, I’m going with her being a transient.”

“You think she came for the score?” Christian asked, his gut saying that was precisely it.

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