Page 153 of One Wrong Move

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“I think they’re going to hit again in Cali, and I might know where, sort of.”

“Oh?” Greyson asked.

“Yeah.” Christian paced the plush carpet. “Ethan picked Christie’s, and while we were researching it, before I walked away, he got all gung-ho about hitting an art collection on a yacht.”

“A yacht?” Andi said. “That’s unique.”

“Yeah.” Christian stopped pacing. “We did some preliminary research on a handful of them, so he could be hitting anyone on that list. I’ve got to stop and think like Ethan would.”

“Okay, so why go back to Christie’s?” Greyson asked. “Especially after he was busted there.”

Christian exhaled, the reason behind it now clear. “In addition to money, of course, he’s attempting to prove to me that he’s now the better thief.”

“So he really did have this all planned out? First hitting places with your security systems so you’d be called in,” Greyson said.

“And put on the suspect list,” he said.

“Then nearly killed.” Andi paced the room, her hands clasped.

“I don’t think that was Ethan’s plan,” Christian said. “I think itwas all Enrique. Ethan is playing the game, and he clearly didn’t want it to stop back there. I bet it was Cyrus’s sister who sent Enrique to kill us. She didn’t care about a game. Only the artifacts, if I’m guessing right.”

“They left a message at Christie’s,” Greyson said.

“What did it say this time?” Andi asked.

“It was actually made out to Christian and in a man’s handwriting.”

“Why the change?” Andi asked. “Why were the notes made out to me in the first place if this was all about you? And why in a woman’s handwriting?”

“I’m guessing so that it wasn’t obvious it was him straightaway. It would make sense why they used a woman’s handwriting to start,” Christian said, cracking his knuckles from the hours of shuffling cards.

“Julia’s handwriting, you think?” Andi asked.

“That’d be my bet. I’m guessing they had her write them before this all kicked off. Certainly before she was murdered. They probably figured a woman’s handwriting would throw us off.”

“And now?” Andi asked.

“Ethan knows we’re on to him, so he’s communicating directly with me. What does the message say, Grey?”

“‘They try to beat me. They try in vain. And when I win, I end in pain.’”

“Death,” Christian said.

“Was Ethan violent before?” Andi asked. “I mean, when you knew him?”

“No.” Christian shook his head. “Not at all. I feel certain Enrique is the one who’s been after us, and he also matches the description of the man seen with Alex in the white SUV, so I’m guessing he killed her too.”

“And Julia?” Greyson asked.

“Could have been Enrique or it could have been Cyrus. He’s got to be the violent one in the theft partnership. Ethan never was.”

“Maybe he’s changed,” Andi said.

It was possible, but just didn’t fit with the man he knew, though that man might not even exist anymore. Jail changed people. Bitterness rotted the bones.

“Well, one of them is certainly violent,” Greyson said. “One or possibly both of them severely beat two security guards at Christie’s. They’re being seen to now and thankfully will be all right.”

“They’re taking bigger risks,” Christian said. “Hitting a place with guards.” This was getting more dangerous by the second.
