Page 17 of One Wrong Move

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“I free-climb all the time, and you’ll be okay without shoes. At least it’s fall, and the rock face is cool.”

She swallowed, staring again at the drop. “I don’t think I can do this.”

“Sure, you can. ... Wait, are you afraid of heights?”



It wasn’t something to be sorry for. Just a fact, but she appreciated his compassion.

“I’ll spot you all the way up,” he said, his tone assuring.

She swallowed. “What does that mean, exactly?”

“I’ll follow right behind you. Keep my hand on your back as much as I’m able. You can do this. I promise.”

“That’s a hefty promise, mister.”

He chuckled. “There. That humor, that strength you clearly possess. That’s why I know you can do this.”

Rocks shifted beneath his foot when he moved it.

Yikes!It was impossible to push herself closer to the mountainside. She was already flush against it.

“Okay,” he said, his right hand still cupped over hers. “And put it here.” With strength and tenderness, he lifted her hand up and rested it on a narrow ledge in the rock. “Good,” he said. “Now, your foot is going to wedge on that opening six inches to your right.”

She looked. A protruding crag no more than a handful of inches deep. “Seriously?” Her breath spurted ... so shallow.

“You’ve got this, and I’ve got you.” Oddly, she actually believed him—a man she’d met just hours ago.

“Okay,” she said, pulling on the ledge above, stretching her bare foot over to the opening, and surprisingly finding purchase. She released a quivering exhale. Maybe she could do this.

“Good.” His hand remained splayed on her lower back. “But push up on the balls of your feet. Use your legs’ momentum instead of your arms. They tire faster.”

She nodded. “Where next?”

He instructed the movements, and she followed.

His hand slipped off her back.

“Hey.” She made the mistake of looking back. Her head swirled.

“Easy,” he said, his hand resting against her back once again. “Just had to make the move. I’ve got you. Deep breath and let’s go.”

She tried. She really did, but her breath only came in shallow gasps. Where was a brown paper bag when she needed one?

Two more holds and Christian was nearly against her again—his warmth radiating through her. His strong muscles keeping her steady.

“Okay, last move. I want you to stretch your leg as far as you can and place it on that ledge out to your left, then push up on the ball of your foot and grab the top edge. See that rock there...” He indicated up.

She looked and nodded, fear trickling through her.

“You can wrap your hand around it.”

Her chest tight, her hands throbbing with the abrasions, and scrapes on the soles of her bare feet, she squeezed her eyes shut.

Please,Father,let us make it up. Be with me. Wrap your arms around me and carry me up.
