Page 173 of One Wrong Move

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Andi popped up on Christian’s side of the van and positioned herself against the wheel well.

Brilliant girl.

Pop. Pop. Pop.

His heart stopped.

Andi curled up tighter behind the wheel well.

Crack. Crack. Crack.

Glass exploded in shattering shards.

His heart leapt in his throat until he realized Riley was taking shots at Cyrus through the passenger door window.

Crack. Crack. Crack.

Those shots came from the north.Harper.

“She got him,” Riley said.

Thank you, Lord.

“He made it into the house, and the door’s shut, but he’s hit.”

“Cover me. I’m going for Andi,” he said.

“I’m closer,” Riley said. “I can reach her faster. Cover me.”

Argumentative words were ready to leave his mouth when he spotted Riley running in a low crouch, ducking behind the three lone trees.

Shots rang out of the house’s side window toward Riley.

Andi crawled over to the back wheel well.

“Riley, hold,” Deckard said. “I’m coming around. I’ll have better coverage. And there are no windows or back door on the house. I’m safe until I round by you.”

Pop. Pop. Pop.

Three shots hit the van’s side opposite the wheel well Andi had been leaning against.

Christian fired high over the hood of the van.Pop. Pop. Pop.

Fire retorted back.

Then fire riddled from what had been Riley’s position. It was now Deckard, moving in place as Riley shifted out.

Riley bolted in a crouch for Andi, gunfire volleying back and forth.

His pulse whooshed louder in his ears, drumming out all noise except the rapid fire.

Riley landed by the first wheel well, gun in hand. She spoke to Andi, and she nodded.

His sister looked in his direction, pointed directly toward him, and held up one, two, three fingers. On three, the two ladies bolted in zigzag patterns for him.

He kept his gun aimed and his scope fixed on the van.

“Come on. Come on. Come on,” he muttered.Please let them reach me, Lord.
