Page 175 of One Wrong Move

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The cavalry had arrived.



DECKARD LEANEDagainst the doorjamb of his kitchen.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to take you to the airport?” Andi asked Harper.

“You go to the rodeo and watch Riley win,” she said with a smile.

“Okay.” Andi nodded. “I know there’s no arguing with you.”

“It’s about time.” Harper chuckled. She wrapped her arms around Andi and gave her a giant hug.

Then everyone else got in line.

Deckard leaned tighter against the doorjamb, ignoring the feelings sifting through him. He didn’t do emotional. Everything was fine. He’d drive Harper to her place in Albuquerque, wait while she packed, and see her to the airport. He’d be fine.

“Thanks for taking her to the airport,” Andi said, a slight smirk on her lips.

“My pleasure,” he said as casually as he could muster. Everyone could think what they wanted. He and Harper were just friends. Yes, he greatly enjoyed her company. Yes, if he let himself think about it, he’d miss her. That’s why he wasn’t going to think about it. She was leaving for the Middle East to serve with the International Committee of the Red Cross for two months. His fear forher safety would drown him if he let it. He cleared his throat. “We should get going.”

“Right,” Harper said. “Well...” She looked at the gang one last time. “I can say it’s definitely been an adventure.”

“Be safe on your next one,” Andi said.

“Will do.”

“Keep in touch as you’re able,” Andi said.

“Will do.”

He wondered if he’d hear from her at all while she was overseas. If she’d think of him. He shook off the thoughts, annoyed he kept tracking back to her. He liked her, probably far more than he was willing to admit. But he couldn’t spend the next two months pining over her when they hadn’t even had a date. Hadn’t even discussed the fact that something was brewing between them. Or brewing in him, at least.

She strode to his side.

“Ready?” he asked.

She nodded with a smile.

The ride to her condo was filled with the normal chatting they’d spent the last couple weeks doing, and after she packed, the ride to Albuquerque International Airport went far too fast.

“You can just drop me at Departures,” she said as they approached.

Shaking his head, he pulled into the parking ramp. “I’m walking you in.”

“Okay, thanks.”

“I can’t believe this all you’re taking,” Deckard said as he pulled the rolling duffel from the Equinox while she slipped her backpack on.

“I’m on the move a lot. I can’t afford to have heavy baggage to trek everywhere. Besides, it’s a war zone. I don’t need to look nice.”

He gripped the duffel straps harder. “I hate the thought of you in that environment. It’s not safe.” For anyone.

“I know, but the organization advocates for the protection and dignified treatment of the dead after conflict and violence.I primarily work clarifying the fate and whereabouts of missing persons and identifying human remains. It’s important work and where God’s called me.” She paused. “Part of where He’s called me.”

He wanted to ask where else God was calling her, but he didn’t want to push her. She’d share if she wanted to, and she didn’t. But something other than excitement shone in her beautiful eyes. Hesitance. Maybe. Just maybe she was feeling something too.
