Page 43 of One Wrong Move

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“There’s going to be a blast when we open the door.”

Stabbing pierced her chest, knocking the air from her lungs. She needed to calm down, conserve her oxygen.

“Come stand behind the door. Crouch down low and put your hands over your head.” He demonstrated.

“And you?”

“I’m going to use my shirt to open the door and bump back behind the door low, just like you. Now this next part is crucial. After the blast, we crawl on our hands and knees with our shirts over our heads. I’ll try to clear enough of a path to make it to that emergency door.”

“Got it. And if they stayed after starting the fire ... What if they’re waiting to see if we make it out?”

“One threat at a time.” He took his belt off. “Wrap your finger around the buckle. I’ll hold the other end. Don’t let go. If the smoke is too thick, we’ll have to lay face down on the ground and army crawl our way out. Just follow my lead.”

Tears burned her eyes as smoke swirled around her in spiraling wisps.

He clutched her hand. “We’ve got this.”

She nodded.

“Get behind the door.”

She did as instructed.

He pulled the door open, and a wave of unbelievable heat roared in, consuming the air they’d just been breathing.

He tugged the belt, and she followed. Crawling on hands and knees with her head down, the shirt draped over her, all she could see was smoke. It engulfed the air. The high-pressure air from the fire extinguisher spurted out in a strong whir. The heat of the flames danced close, and she prayed as she followed Christian, her fingers gripping the belt buckle tight.

Please, Lord, let us get out of this, and don’t let anyone be waiting to take us out if we make it outside.

She blinked, trying to see ... something, anything, through thewelling tears, but it was no use. It was a hazy blur, except for the sparks landing by her feet.

Her chest heaved. Her lungs felt like an overinflated balloon ready to burst.

Suddenly hot met cold, and they tumbled outside.

Thank you, Lord.

“Let’s move,” Christian said, helping her to her feet.

“What’s wrong?”

He held the gun, scanning their surroundings. “I heard something. We need to get away from the building. You stay still, and—”

“You die.” She knew the concept well from her Bureau training, though that had been years ago, and she’d never been a field agent. Her burning lungs stifled her breath and she fought for air.

“Deep breath,” he said without looking back. “Stay on my six. I’ve got you.”

Sprinting across the parking lot for the trees on the other side, she couldn’t help wondering—were they running from danger or toward it?


ANDI HUNG TIGHTon Christian’s six, finally managing to take a deep inhale of the fresh night air, and the spasm in her lungs began to settle as they hit the edge of the trees.

Sirens whirred, growing closer and closer still.

Thank you,Jesus.

Swirling red lights danced across the pavement as a fire truck rounded the corner, followed by an ambulance and a sheriff’s vehicle.
