Page 45 of One Wrong Move

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“I thought you were pulling Enrique back,” he said again. Not being able to hear everything she said was a bonus, but she needed to hear whathewas saying.

“I called him off you,” she said, boredom ripe in her voice.

“But not them,” he ground out.

“I told you I’m protecting my investment.”

“I see. So, the fact that Enrique set the wine gallery on fire and destroyed our haul makes no difference to you? Oh, and the investigators survived.”

“What?” Her voice rose to that ear-splitting octave.

“He burned the place down.” The imbecile possessed no self-control. Enrique could never wait for the opportune moment, and he was sloppy as all get out. He needed to take Enrique out before he cost them anything more.

“How do you know?” she snapped.

Good. She was upset. She should be. “I followed him there. You had him tracking me. I decided to track him in turn.”

“That’s not your job. Your job is to focus on the heists.”

“Call him off and I will.” Until Cyrus had the chance to take him out, he needed Enrique to cease and desist.

“I don’t trust those two,” she said. “Your toying with them has gone on too long.”

He reclined against the van’s front seat. “You’re just lucky thatCasey wasn’t with me when it happened, or he would have walked then and there.”

“You think you can keep him from hearing about it?”

“Considering we’re supposed to hit it later tonight, he’s going to know. But I’ve got it covered.”


“I’ll tell him Julia did it.”

“Doesn’t he know she’s dead?”

“No. As long as he doesn’t see her face on the news, which he never watches, he won’t find out.”

“And he’ll believe she did it because...?”

“She wasn’t happy with her cut and got vindictive. If she wasn’t making money, neither would we ... or something along those lines.”

“You’ll think he’ll buy it?”

“Trust me,” he said, shifting in his seat. “I know how to sell it. Besides, he’s dependent on me to finish this out.” Casey might possess skills he didn’t have, but he possessed equally needed skills. They were in this together ... right up until they’d completed the final heist.

Yap. Yap. Yap.

His muscles coiled. “Shut that thing up.”

“Don’t talk about my precious like that.”

“Don’t push me.” Now he was the one with the cold edge to his voice. He wasn’t playing, and if she was wise, she’d realize that. She was dependent onhim,and it was time she remembered that.

“Or what?” She released a mocking chuckle.

“Or I’ll stop and you’ll have to find someone else to finish, but good luck making that happen. This has been in the works for two years. It’s been fine-tuned—until you unleashed your thug. Success lies in the balance.”
