Page 62 of One Wrong Move

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She took a sip, then smiled, foam covering her upper lip. “For this ... you bet.”

“My pleasure.” Greyson dipped at the waist and gave Riley that smile he only gave her.

Deckard took another sip of his coffee, eyeing them over the rim of his cup. If he didn’t know better ... He shook off the thought and took a prolonged sip of his coffee. “Mmm-mmm.” He smiled at Harper. “Great sludge.” He held his mug in salute to Greyson.

“Hopeless.” Greyson shook his head, then strode to the wall of glass panels framed with white beams where he always stood while they ran a case. “Shall we begin?” he asked.

“Let’s do it,” Deckard said with a nod at Harper.

She nodded back with a deep expression of gratitude.

“What do we know?” Greyson asked, a black dry erase marker in hand.

“We know Andi worked the night of Anne Marlowe’s murder,” Deckard said. “She was in the lab with a tech and another analyst.” According to what Harper said on the way over.

“Our supervisor, Kevin Gaines, was out sick,” Harper continued. “And our forensics manager, Todd Phillips, covered for Kevin, which he never did.”

“Why not?” Greyson asked, having written the supervisor’s and manager’s names each on a separate glass panel.

“Protocol was to call another shift supervisor in,” she explained.

“Did Todd say why he made the shift from protocol?” Greyson asked.

“Andi said he told her that he was available, so he jumped in.”

“But it hadn’t ever happened before?” Deckard asked again, just to be sure.

Harper shook her head.

“What about since that night?” Greyson asked. “Has it ever happened again?”

“Todd’s no longer with the FBI,” she said. “He got a huge job upgrade not long after Anne Marlowe’s murder.”

Greyson’s brows arched. “Interesting timing, I think we can all agree.” He tapped Todd’s name written in black marker on the glass panel.

“Agreed,” Riley said, chiming in.

“Okay...” Greyson said. “What are the tech’s and analyst’s names from that night?”

“Marshall Palmer was the tech, and Pam Whitmore the analyst.”

“Do they still work in the lab?” Greyson asked, adding their names to the board in perfect penmanship.

Deck reached for a sip of coffee. Not that good penmanship was something he aspired to by any means, but Greyson’s scrolled handwriting made his look like a kindergartner with crayons.

“Yes,” Harper said to Greyson’s question. “They do.”

“And the new job Todd Phillips got?”

“He was appointed to chair of the Arizona Forensic Science Academy.”

“That does sound like a big jump,” Greyson said.

“It was.” Harper nodded, then took a sip of her drink—foam clinging to her lips. She reached for the cocktail napkin Greyson had brought with the cup and dabbed it away.

Deckard smiled. She looked adorable.Adorable? What was up with him? He needed to focus. Needed to be at his best to maneuver the change from what he’d known during his investigation for Mitch to seeing the other side of the coin.

“Any other job changes ... promotions?” Greyson asked.

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