Page 75 of One Wrong Move

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“You know...”

She looked up with those beautiful blue eyes. “Yes?”

He rolled his bottom lip slightly in his mouth, then released it. “Before we go—”

The lights cut out.

He frowned. “That’s odd. The backup generator should kick on the emergency lighting.”

A breath of a minute later, it did. The two exit signs illuminated—one for the main door, one for the rear that led to the stairwell. The emergency lights mounted over the rear sign illuminated, but the rest of the office remained shrouded in shadows.

Deckard stood and pulled his SIG, sliding one into the chamber.

Harper stood in sync, pulling her Glock—her big blue eyes wide in the dim light sweeping in through the crack in the door.

He held a finger to his lips.


Deckard indicated for her to move to his six behind the slit in the nearly closed door.

She moved in place, and he positioned himself to look through the crack. Two figures in black cut a swath across the light’s beam.

“Remember,” the one man said. “Don’t leave a trace. Just see what they have and put it back in place. Boss’s orders.”

“I got it,” the other replied.

Deckard waited until they passed toward the back offices, then lifted his chin. They’d come out behind the men and have a clear shot. “Ready?” he mouthed.

She nodded.

He opened the door, and everything went black.


HIS HEAD FEELINGlike he’d been run over by a semi, Deckard blinked. Weight lay crisscross over his legs. What in the blazes was happening? He stared up at the dark ceiling. He lifted his head, and the world spun. Wet stuck to the back of his neck. He reached back and pulled his fingers back to reveal sticky blood. What on earth? With a stiff breath, he glanced down at Harper laying at a forty-five-degree angle across his legs, unconscious.

“Harp ...” With gentle force, he shook her arm, his voice low. “Harp.”

He glanced around, his hand reaching for his SIG.Gone. He reached down and with tenderness moved Harper off his legs, rolling her easily to the floor, pushing the hair from her face. Darkness engulfed them as he reached for his knife, cool along his left calf. He remained still, listening. No one was moving, but it didn’t mean they were gone.

He reached over and rubbed Harper’s arm. “Harp,” he whispered. “Harp.” He tried again. He looked and saw her weapon was gone too.Great.

“Hmmm,” she murmured, rolling her head.

“We gotta go,” he said, his voice hushed, his gaze sweeping what he could see of the office from his vantage point.

Her eyes fluttered open, then widened.

He pressed his finger to his lips.

She nodded.

He pointed toward the door, and she nodded again, then winced. Blood drizzled along her already swelling temple. He ground his teeth. Whoever did this ... He couldn’t focus on them right now. He had to get Harper out of the building as fast as possible and somewhere safe.

“Back stairwell,” he said, pointing to the adjacent exit sign as he retrieved his cell.

She gave a flash of a nod.
