Page 77 of One Wrong Move

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“Did you see anything about him?” he asked, glancing in the rearview mirror. Relief filled him when he saw no headlights. They’d take the back way up the winding roads to Jeopardy Falls and on to their ranch.

“It all happened so fast. He was dressed in dark clothes. Pale skin from what I could see in the dim light, but it was like a flash and now a blur.”

He reached over and clasped her knee. “We’ll be to safety soon.”

“No police?” she asked.

“The priority is safe territory.” He tapped the wheel. “Besides, we can’t tell them much other than we had intruders. It goes in some report and that’s the end of it. I’ve gone through this before. We can always report it first thing in the morning when we all go in to see what they may have touched or taken.”

“Who do you think they were? Someone from Christian and Andi’s case?”

He glanced over at her in the sweep of headlights across her face from a lone oncoming car. “I don’t know. Maybe. But I don’t know how much is in the office related to their case. Andi keeps her laptop and files with her, according to Christian, and he works more by the seat of his pants with just a notebook. Though Greyson has done some reconnaissance work for them.”

She narrowed her eyes. “You don’t think we could have triggered this, do you?”

He glanced over at her, then back at the winding road. “I don’t know, but if we did, it means we’re barking up the right tree.” But, given they’d just started with the investigation, if it was their doing, how much more was to come as they dug deeper? How dangerous would it become?


FORTY-FIVE MINUTES LATERwith no one following, Deckard guided Harper into his kitchen to the scent of hominy and red chili. “Smells great, Cool Whip,” he said, greeting Riley, trying to play it as causually as possible so she didn’t worry.

“Hey, Slugger,” she said, smiling with a smattering of freckles across her cheeks, and then her smile faded. “What happened to you?” Her gaze tracked to Harper. “Oh no. You too. Let’s get that cleaned up.”

“It’s okay,” Deckard said. “I’ve got her. I’ll grab the first aid kit out of the bathroom.”

“But first, what happened?” Christian asked.

“There’s not a lot to tell....” But he went through it all the same.

“After Deck stepped through the door, I followed, but Deck fell knocked out on the floor in front of me. I barely turned when I was nailed upside my head with the butt of a gun. We saw the two men, as Deckard said, but there was a third man waiting.”

Greyson handed Harper and Deckard each a bag of ice.

“Thanks, man,” Deckard said as Harper extended her thanks as well.

Greyson nodded. “And you said they were there to gain intelligence.”

“That’s what we heard.”

“You think it has to do with the heists?” Christian asked.

Deckard held the bag of ice to the back of his head, which also needed to be cleaned up. They could see to each other unless Riley insisted on fussing over both of them.

“It’s possible, but Andi keeps her work with her in her satchel, I think.”

“That’s correct,” Andi said.

“I don’t have much at the office,” Christian said. “I keep my notebook with me.”

“It could be because of things I ran,” Greyson said. “I’ll have to run a trace on my computer, see what was accessed.”

“That’s the odd thing. They bypassed your desk, heading straight for the back office.”

“Your office.” His sat in the back, Riley’s nearest the front, and Christian’s off the front hall. The only other office in the back was their guest office should they bring someone in to help on something.

“We were out fast; they could have gone through your computer after we were unconscious.”

Christian rested his forearms on the table. “But whyyouroffice?”
