Page 92 of One Wrong Move

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His heady gaze fixed on hers. “We can?”

She nodded and slipped the throw from her shoulders and laid it across their laps, scooting closer so it covered them both.

Knowing what she wanted to say but needing to gather her courage, she bit her bottom lip. How did the man make her feel at ease and at the same time so discombobulated? “I...” She cleared her throat. “I’m sorry I rushed off.”

He shifted to face her head-on, his shoulder brushing hers in the process.

She warmed at his touch. He wasn’t making this any easier, dizzying her thoughts so. “I—”

“I know it’s a lot to take in,” he said. “I understand if you want to ... if you need to...”

“What I need is to tell you...” She took a deep inhale and released it, gathering her boldness. “I’m so glad you found Jesus.” She reached out and took his hand.

He interlocked his fingers with hers.

“I’m so happy that He helped you become the man you are.” There, she’d said it. Part of it anyway, but now she knew God was carrying the words out of her. “We’re both a new creation in Christ. And I’m so glad you trusted me enough to tell me about your past.”

He gave a soft nod, his deep brown eyes searching hers.

“What you shared ... the fact that you shared ... only makes me want what is happening between...” She bit her bottom lip, emotions wobbling like a Tilt-A-Whirl inside her. Her thoughts dizzied.

He scooted closer still, the warmth of his leg rubbing hers. “Between?”

She fiddled with their fingers interlaced together, then looked up at him. “Between us.”

“So ...” He swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing. “There’s still a chance for us to pursue anus?”

She nodded, heat flushing her cheeks.

Reaching up, he cupped her face, caressing her cheek with the pad of his thumb.

Butterflies pinged through her.

“I’m so glad,” he whispered, his lips inching closer to hers, their breath mingling.

“Me too,” she whispered back. The words had barely crossed her lips when he pressed his to hers. Ever-so-slow and tender at first, their kiss deepened. Emotion whiplashed through her as she clung tighter to him, pulling him close.

He slipped his strong arm around her, his sturdy hand splaying across the center of her back.

Heat infused her as his scent enveloped her—wild and free.

She kissed him back with all she had, never wanting the kiss to end. Time faded, the minutes swirling together.

Trill. Trill. Trill.


Christian pulled back ever-so-softly, his breathing hard. “That ... we ... that was...” he murmured, his forehead pressed to hers as the ringing of his cell stopped.

She nodded, her breath taken away.That kiss.

His phone rang again, his hand still resting on the small of her back.


He sighed and peeled himself away. “I better...”

She nodded. Given everything going on, no matter how much she wanted them to ignore it, he needed to answer.

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