Page 95 of One Wrong Move

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“Just checking on my investment.”

“I told you we’re set.”

“And you’re not taking too much heat? You can pull this off?”

So little faith in him. “I’ve got this.”

“We’ll see.” A blip interrupted their call. “I’ve got to go. Enrique is on the other line.”

He stiffened, wondering what the thug was up to now.

“By the way,” she said before cutting off their call, “that witch shot him.”

He erupted in laughter. “What?”

“They saw him watching, and there was some sort of chase, and she shot him in the shoulder, but I fail to see the humor in it.”

She would, but he didn’t. His feisty girl was even more spirited than he realized, and the thought heated his limbs.

The call dropped, thankfully. He had weightier matters to deal with than Teresa.

The door opened behind him, and Casey stuck his head out. “What are you doing out here?” he asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

“Grabbing a smoke.”

“I thought I heard laughter ... talking.”

“Nope. Just me and a smoke.” He pulled one from his pocket and, cupping his hands over it in the rain, lit it.

Casey frowned. He wasn’t buying it.

Cyrus winced. He needed to be more careful. The last thing he needed was the pawn catching on to the real plan.


HE’D KISSEDANDI,and it had been like no other kiss he’d experienced, though the list wasn’t long. Given his past, he’d always kept impenetrable boundaries in place with the two girls he’d dated, and neither of them lasted beyond a month.

Lord,you know I’ve prayed for you to bring the woman youcreated for me into my life in your timing. Theway I feel about Andi ... you know. You know myheart and my hurts,and I need you to lead me by your Holy Spirit. Give me wisdom and discernment. The thought of being vulnerable terrifies me, and after theattempts on our lives,the case terrifies me too,especially for Andi’s safety. The notes have been left forher,and she’s garnered enemies in the course of her career.

They needed to research all the men and women she’d busted, whether in jail or out on community service. One of them could be back at it, pulling her into this nasty game.

Help me protect her. I just found hope with Andi. Please don’t letit be dashed. And let my full hope rest inyou,in your sufficiency to keep us safe and to guide us. To walk beside us and never leave us. Thank you, Lord.

He prayed he’d be able to protect her. Protect them for what was coming next, because his gut said the stakes were going to continue to increase. This game was far from over, and only growing more deadly.


The motel room reeked of smoke and rotting fruit. Deckard shifted through what was left of their food supply. He could go without food, but Riley was clutching her stomach, her unspoken sign of hunger. He reached for the bread bag, but only a moldy crust remained. Maybe he could cut that part off and still make her a sandwich. It’d been four days this time, and every time they left, he feared—and hoped—they wouldn’t return.

He shook his head, hating what he was going to do, but what choice did he have? He pulled out the few measly dollars he’d stashed under the top sheet of his mattress on the floor. He’d given Riley one of the beds. His parents claimed the other. Christian took the meager sofa, his long legs sprawled out over the edge. Good. He was asleep. His little brother wouldn’t know what he was about to do.

Heading out into the dark, solemn night and locking the door behind him, he took off on foot for the Jiffy Mart, his plan firmly in place, despite how much he hated the thought of it. Riley needed food.

Entering the Jiffy Mart, he lifted his chin at the cashier—a teen reading a magazine, clearly bored in the wee hours of the night.

He made his rounds. Grabbed the couple items he could afford. A candy bar and a soda. But it wasn’t enough, given they had no idea when or if their parents would return.

While the cashier wasn’t watching, he noted the cameras and moved around them, slipping more food into his bag. Once finished, he headed for the register. Paid for the two items and headed back out into the night.
