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We parked at a safe distance so we could define our strategy. Among the trees covered in snow, I could see the grand three-story property, its glory long gone, but its pomposity still looming over us.

“Let’s recap,” Aaron suggested. “The third level is for the head of the cartel. Since Carlos Gomes doesn’t seem to have arrived yet, and Pablo Salazar is still in prison, it’s possible we won’t find anyone there.”

“Unless they’re planning a trap. He could also be keeping Lisa upstairs to prevent her from running,” Mia countered.

“Let’s consider that.” He nodded before continuing. “The second level is for the other high-ranked members. Just like Matias.”

“The first one?” I asked.

“The ballroom,” Mia answered. “I think it’s too big and open a space for any of us to inspect alone. But that’s your call.”

I stared at her in surprise. “Last time, you told me you’d shoot me with a tranquilizer to keep me from coming along.”

“Last time, you were out of control. I stood by what I said, and I’d do it in a heartbeat. If for any reason I think you’re slipping this time, Iwilltake charge.” No doubt about that. “But your head is in the game now. So, what’s it going to be?”

I watched the building again. I knew my strengths. I was built like a bear and knew how to use my frame. I was great in combat and lethal if needed.

I also knew my limitations. As big as I was, I wasn’t fast or smooth like Aaron and Mia were, or as fast a thinker. Ben was lean, yet powerfully built. If I needed someone to use blunt force, Ben was my choice. We needed to take advantage of all that.

“Mia and Aaron, you climb the building and start inspecting from the third level down. Ben and I will start with the second story. Once we’ve covered both, we’ll all go to the ballroom and do it together.”

They all nodded, and we started prepping.

“You think you can handle it, Scottie?” Mia teased Aaron, most likely in an attempt to ignore what day it was.

“I’m sad I don’t get to climb buildings more often. Try to keep up.” Darkening his features to the Aaron I was used to, he looked at me. “Just so you know, help is on the way.”

“I’m not waiting for them.”

He tipped his chin in agreement. “I didn’t think you would. I just wanted to give you the option. Lead the way.”

Feeling energized, we advanced, heavy with weapons and ready to use them. Using our tactical gear and taking advantage of the trees around the building, we all climbed its wall, avoiding the windows.

Aaron and Mia’s fast movements proved to me I was right to send them up. When I found a good place to invade on the second floor, I looked around. A white mantle surrounded the property. At a distance, I spotted a frozen lake. Not one living being seemed to be nearby. It would’ve been pretty if we weren’t about to fight for our lives.

Right before we broke in, we connected our radio.

“Tomorrow, we rest.”

“Tomorrow, we rest,” they repeated after me.

We all entered the building, careful not to make a sound. I couldn’t see Aaron and Mia anymore, so I sent a silent prayer to them. Ben and I advanced, doing our best to stay concealed by the shadows and away from the railing, so nobody downstairs or from the gallery above could see us.

I pressed my back against the wall and opened the first door to my left, so Ben could bust inside, gun in position, while I covered his back. After we checked to see if the first room was clear, we did the same with the others.

Like a well-oiled machine—more like a well-trained pair—we opened the doors one by one, alternating between who would enter the room first and who would have the other’s back. We acted fast, and I was thankful the sound of our boots was muffled by the probably too-expensive carpet.

Even though it was safer, my frustration grew with every door that brought us nothing. Our false sense of safety was short-lived, though.

It started upstairs when I heard the loud thuds and grunts, followed by Mia and Aaron’s shooting. Overstepping into the dome’s space, Matias and his men seemed to have chosen to hide where they weren’t allowed.

“Fuck,” Aaron’s voice sounded in my ear. “There are more than we imagined.”

I looked up at the gallery on the third floor but couldn’t see anything. “We’re coming up to you.”

“No!” Mia cursed. “They’re baiting you upstairs...freaking hell. Push forward and go downstairs. We’re handling it and will meet you there.”

I was already running to them. “I can’t leave you there. Hang on—”
