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Finally, they arrived. The outside of La Plume was fairly understated but that all changed once they went in. There was a couple ahead of them at the maitre d's station so Malcolm had a chance to gape at the restaurant's interior. The place was extravagant in a most unexpected way. Murals on every wall depicted very pretty birds and porcelain birds were suspended from the ceiling.

"This place is crazy," Malcolm said then he looked at Paula and saw her bright eyes taking it all in.

Without looking away from all the birds, she tugged on Malcolm's sleeve. "Look, birdies," she said like he might have missed about a thousand birds everywhere if she didn't point them out.

"They're pretty, huh," he said to her and she nodded.

When their turn came, Mr Argent only had to give his name to the maitre d' and they were shown to a table. "Did we just steal someone's table?" Malcolm asked since the place was full.

"It was worth it," Mr. Argent said and nodded toward Paula who was still entranced with the bird decorations, especially the ones hanging above them. Looking up, she hardly noticed the people sitting at the tables they passed so she didn't shrink back from them the way she usually would.

"I can't get over this place," Malcolm said.

"I like it," Paula said as they were seated and she kept looking up.

Seeing her like that, Malcolm had to admit to Mr. Argent, "I guess you know what you're doing."

"Sometimes," Mr. Argent said, "I just hope little Paula will find something she'd like to eat."

"She isn't too picky," Malcolm said. The way his sister raised her, there were times Paula was lucky to get even one proper meal. She couldn't afford to be choosy.

Mr. Argent ordered wine for himself and Malcolm and a sparkling orange drink for Paula. As they were handed menus, Malcolm moved his chair close to Paula's. That put Mr. Argent directly across from them, his eyes scanning the menu.

The menus were pretty and even Paula got one. She liked the decorative touches on the menu, and Malcolm understood about as much of it as she did. A lot of the names of the dishes were in French. Malcolm had heard of some of them but he wasn't sure what they were. He looked at Paula helplessly then put on a brave smile.

"Let's see what you're going to have," Malcolm said to her.

She had an idea. "Peanut butter and jelly sandwich," she said.

Malcolm turned to Mr. Argent. "Do they have that? Is this French for peanut butter and jelly?" he asked and pointed at a random menu item.

Mr. Argent smiled and came up with his own suggestions. "Malcolm, you could try the duck confit, and Paula could have some fried chicken with plum sauce and French fries." Mr Argent looked up at their server who nodded. "No wine in the sauce for my little guest, of course."

Malcolm was glad to let him order and he smiled and Paula and told her, "I think you'll like it." But he was pretty sure that Paula's meal wasn't actually on the menu.

Malcolm had brought along one of her coloring books and pencils, and that was lucky since this wasn't the kind of place where they bring that stuff out for the kids. Paula got busycoloring and Malcolm worried he might have to make polite conversation with Mr. Argent. It would have to be about work. They had nothing else in common.

He shouldn't have worried. Mr. Argent talked mostly to Paula. That was better than talking business with Malcolm. Who would want to make a little kid listen to that?

Malcolm watched in amazement as Mr. Argent spoke to Paula softly but with a serious face, asking her questions about her favorite colors and things to color, very exciting stuff. It was kind of unbelievable to see either of them like this, though Mr. Argent had the tone of someone conducting a job interview. Paula didn't seem to mind. She mostly kept her head down, but her expression was cheerful. She also answered his questions, or at least nodded and sometimes smiled like when Mr. Argent said that the dog she was coloring might eat her orange pencil.

Since his boss wasn't paying attention to him, Malcolm could stare at him, admire little things about him like how thick his eyelashes were, the shape of his mouth, the flex of his muscles under his suit.

Their food arrived, and it was delicious. Paula was cautious trying her fried chicken with plum sauce, eating it in little bites. She seemed happy to be there unless she looked at the other guests, then she looked a little apprehensive.

As they were eating, a man and a woman waived to Mr. Argent and seemed to be about to come over. He nodded to them but also gave them a look like he was letting them know that he didn't want to be bothered. They smiled and changed direction to go straight to their own table without coming over.

"Did you just offend those people?" Malcolm wondered leaning toward Mr. Argent and lowering his voice so he wouldn't worry Paula.

"Does Paula like meeting new people?" Mr. Argent asked pointedly.

"No, she doesn't," Malcolm had to admit. Paula was very shy and tended to cling to Malcolm whenever they were around strangers. "But..."

Mr. Argent stopped him and shrugged it off, his attitude unapologetic. "We're having a nice lunch and we don't want to be interrupted. They'll get over it."

Malcolm wasn't exactly surprised that Mr. Argent could be standoffish and unfriendly, but this time he was doing it for Paula's sake so it was nice.

As they walked back to the office, the day was cold but bright and sunny and Paula seemed at ease walking between them. Malcolm thanked Mr. Argent for lunch then he picked up Paula and asked her, "Do you want to thank Mr. Argent for treating us to lunch?"
