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It appeared that one of the things he learned how to make was a cake. It had pink frosting and sprinkles on top. He showed it to Malcolm sheepishly because it wasn't exactly the best looking cake.

Derrick sighed. "I was going to surprise Paula with it, but the cake turned out crooked. I tried but I couldn't fix it with frosting."

Throwing his arms around Derrick and kissing him, Malcolm told him, "That cake is perfect and we should take it to Paula. It's a special occasion and she'll love it. I love it already."

"Paula deserves a perfect, beautiful cake," Derrick said.

"That is a cake made with love," Malcolm told him while pointing at the lopsided cake and Derrick smiled.

"It is. I love both of you," Derrick said. He still wasn't eager to show off his crooked cake, but Malcolm insisted. When they were ready to go, they packed it up and took it with them and went to Mona's to pick up Paula.

When they arrived at Mona's place, Candy was there, opening the door to them. Eyeing them suspiciously, she wanted to know, "Why do you two look so happy?"

Paula ran over to greet them and before Malcolm could even hug her, Candy picked her up. Holding Paula up at their eye level, Candy whispered to her conspiratorially, "Check these two out. Look at them. Look at their faces. Take a good look, don't they look suspiciously happy?"

Paula peered at them very closely to check and confirmed it. "Uncle Malcolm and Mr. A are happy, but I don't know what soups-peaches means," she said.

Malcolm turned to Candy. "What are you doing here? Babysitting? It looks like you're babysitting."

"No, Paula and I are just buddies. We were just hanging out, watching someCurious George," Candy said and Paula was very happy to hear that they were buddies.

Malcolm took her from Candy and kissed her little cheek. Then he told her the news. "Derrick and I are engaged. We got engaged last night and we're going to get married."

With a squeal of delight, Mona came over, and she hugged all three of them and congratulated them. "Oh, it's wonderful," she said. "You two are going to make such beautiful grooms."

But Candy was scowling as she scolded Malcolm, telling him, "How dare you do something so sappy as to get engaged on Valentine's Day." She still gave Malcolm a hug and congratulated him anyway.

Paula was confused by Candy's weird disapproval, but then she noticed the cake Derrick was carrying in a large plastic container. "You have a cake, Mr. A," she said and pointed at it like she thought maybe he didn't know.

"Yes, he does," Malcolm told her. "Derrick made that cake just for you. And he learned to cook just so he could make it."

Paula's eyes lit up and she opened her arms to hug Derrick while Malcolm held her. Mona took the cake from him so Derrick could hold Paula.

"I made that cake to celebrate you and your uncle being in my life. And I wanted to be part of your lives too, forever," Derrick told her. "But there will be a much bigger and better cake for our wedding."

"I like cake," Paula said.

"Would you like to call me Derrick?" he asked her.

"But you're Mr. A," she said.

"Derrick is more friendly," Malcolm told her. "And he did make you that cake."

Paula nodded and said, "OK, Derrick." Then she buried her face in Derrick's shoulder shyly.

"Well, if this cake is meant to celebrate your engagement, we should have at it," Mona said.

"I should warn you that it is a little lopsided," Derrick told her.

"It's a cake, right?" Candy said. She wasn't fussy.

"Maybe next time Paula can help me make a cake and she'll make sure I do it right," Derrick said.

"I wanna make a cake," Paula said excitedly. But right now, she wanted to eat some cake.

Candy got the plates and Mona cut a piece of cake for everyone. They sat at her kitchen counter to eat. Derrick looked a little bit nervous as everyone tasted the first bite, but they all agreed that Derrick's crooked cake was very good. Paula was the biggest fan.

"See, she doesn't mind that it's crooked," Malcolm said to Derrick.

"I like it," Paula said with no reservations. "It's a yummy cake. And it's pink."

Putting an arm around her, Malcolm told her, "You know, a wedding isn't just about a big cake. It means that you and me and Derrick are going to be a family and we're going to be together forever."

Paula looked from him to Derrick and asked, "Like daddies?"

That question took Malcolm's breath away. He couldn't even speak to answer her. "Yes," Derrick told her and took her little hand and kissed it. "I would like to be your dad very much."

Malcolm hugged them both. "Two daddies, sounds perfect," he said and then leaned his head on Derrick's shoulder as he gazed at Paula and felt so lucky and overjoyed. "Oh, my God, we're going to be so happy."
