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"I'm sorry, Malcolm. I shouldn't have done that. That was inappropriate. I've been inappropriate with you all night," Derrick said, stepping away from him like he needed to put some distance between them.

That wasn't what Malcolm wanted to hear. Feeling brave all of a sudden, Malcolm set him straight. "It wasn't inappropriate," he said with a frown on his face as he panted from the kiss. He stared into Derrick's dark eyes. "You haven't done anything that I didn't want very much."

As Derrick was staring back at him, he seemed conflicted, his emotions in turmoil, like he didn't want to feel this. That made Malcolm wonder again about him and Warren.

"I thought you wanted Warren. I thought that's why you were mad," Malcolm told him.

"No, of course not," Derrick said and looked at him like he was crazy. "I thought it was even too obvious how much I wanted you."

"Obvious how?" Malcolm wondered. The man was closed off and completely unreadable, even now.

His eyes narrowed, and he took a step closer. His hands slid down Malcolm's arms and made him shiver. With a groan, he stepped right up to Malcolm. He could feel the heat of Derrick's body. Then Derrick pressed his cheek to his, let his beard rub against Malcolm's.

Malcolm grunted softly and Derrick sighed his name. "Oh, Malcolm. I'm not sure what... I don't know what I'm doing," he said, his voice rasping.

While Malcolm held his breath, not sure what to say, Derrick shifted, stood directly in front of him. Now his dark eyes were fixed on Malcolm's. Malcolm's lips parted like an invitation and he felt like his knees might buckle. Then Derrick kissed him and he didn't know what held him up as the kiss deepened with every passing second and his body wanted to melt against Derrick's.

He could feel Derrick's muscular arms lock around him, pulling him in tight. His cock was already so hard and he knew Derrick could feel it the same way he could feel his erection pressing into him.

They heard laughter as someone else came up the stairs, breaking the moment. "It has a great view," a girl said then she stared at them while a guy came up behind her and grumbled. "Oh, sorry," she said.

"It's all yours," Derrick told them and headed down as they came up. Malcolm was left to follow after him and wonder if Derrick was again regretting kissing him.

As they made their way back to the car, Malcolm was so confused. Should he have noticed that Derrick was interested in him. He just wished he knew what Derrick was thinking, feeling. Sitting next to him in the car, he had no clue.

"Thanks for coming with me tonight," Derrick said.

"Of course," Malcolm replied and hoped his voice didn't sound strange since it was accompanied by thoughts of asking Derrick to pull over or inviting him over to his place or inviting himself over to his place. None of that happened, just a silent drive while Malcolm's head buzzed with questions and the rest of him wanted to climb into Derrick's lap.

Chapter 7

Malcolm woke up from a sleepless night. He was restless with desire for Derrick. His hand couldn't seem to satisfy him for very long. Now that it was morning, he was wondering what his day at work would be like.

He was getting Paula ready for another half day at the office. As he was brushing her hair, his phone rang. It was Derrick. "I just wanted to let you know I won't be going into the office today," Derrick said and Malcolm's heart sank. He didn't even realize how much he was dying to see him again until he found out he wouldn't be there.

"Is everything OK?" Malcolm said in a dull voice even as he was telling himself that he was being stupid to feel so disappointed.

"It's just a sprained ankle but I don't want to hobble to the office if I don't have to. I was thinking you might come over and do your work from here as well. Of course you're welcome to bring Paula."

Now Malcolm's mind was reeling. Did Derrick just ask him to come work from home with him? He did, and Malcolm needed to answer him. "Yeah, I can bring her. Are you sure?"

"If you're alright with it, I am," Derrick said. "But if you would prefer to work from the office..."

"No, no. It's fine. I don't mind," Malcolm said too quickly. He was even too happy to be going over to Derrick's house though it was just for work.

Malcolm turned to Paula to tie her hair and give her the news. "Hey, Paula, we're going to Derrick's house today."

"Where?" she said.

"Derrick's house. That's what I call Mr. Argent now," Malcolm told her.

"I call him Mr. A," she said.

"I know. Well Mr. A hurt himself, and we're going to help him out," Malcolm told her.

"Mr. A has a boo-boo?" she said worriedly. "Oh no."

Malcolm was done tying up her hair and now she ran off. Paula came right back with a box of colorful bandages Malcolm got her. When he was buying them, she told him, "But Uncle Malcolm, I don't have a boo-boo." Malcolm then told her they were just in case bandages.
