Page 5 of Christiano

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"Certain members of my family who aren't always respectful."


I snort. "No, he's a dick but he wouldn't do that."

"That Uncle Edward-something, he was creepy. I caught him leering at me a few times."

"Yes, he's not a nice guy. And yes, he would take advantage, even knowing Salvo would probably rip his head off."

"Good to know." She grimaces. "I'll be sure to avoid him at brunch." Then she smiles at me. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry?" This girl makes my head hurt; what is she apologizing for? Leaving her shit all over the floor?

Her smile widens. "I'm sorry we didn't have sex. I feel like I might have enjoyed it."

"Might?" I growl.

"Well, I guess we'll never know now." I'm about to pin her to the fucking mattress and prove how much she'd enjoy it when there's a light knock on the door.

"Cara, sweetheart, come down to the kitchen when you're ready. There's plenty of food for everyone." Fuck me,ZiaLucia has the worse timing.

Before I can react, Cara has reached the door. She swings it wide open, affording my aunt a nice view of me sitting in Cara's bed. I see her eyebrows shoot up in surprise.

"Christiano? I wondered where you were." I can tell from here she's not amused. She probably thinks I've taken advantage of Cara when that's definitely not the case.

Cara looks a picture of innocence. "Christiano escorted me back here last night. I can't remember a thing, but he assures me he was well-behaved."

Lucia's eyes narrow and I know I'm going to get one hell of a tongue-lashing later. "Oh did he," she grits out. "Well,maybe it is time he left you in peace. I have some chores that need doing."

I feel like murdering Cara but that's not going to score me any points with either her orZiaLucia.

"I'll be down shortly, Lucia," I announce, pasting a smile on my face. She doesn't buy it, but she nods and closes the door, leaving me with Cara, who's smirking at me. The little minx deserves a spanking.

"That wasn't very nice." I leap out of bed and stalk toward her, uncaring that I'm only wearing boxers. She belatedly realizes she's poked an angry bear and her smile slips. I don't miss the flare of heat in her eyes though. It seems my little pixie girl enjoys playing games.

"Nice?" she squeaks, stepping backward. But she has nowhere to go. She's stuck between me and the wall.

"No, not nice at all makingZiaLucia think I took advantage of you."

"I didn't--"

"Yes, you did." I have her pressed up against the wall, her tits mashed against my chest. Her heart is pounding and her pretty hazel irises have all but been swallowed by her blown pupils. Just one sleight of hand would have that slinky robe she's wearing on the floor, leaving her virtually naked for my delectation.

I grab her small wrists and pin them above her head.

"Do you know what happens to naughty girls?" I ask.

"No?" She sounds breathless, her voice raspy. I wonder what she'll sound like when I fuck her lush mouth. My cock jerks against her belly in response. There's a sharp intake of breath and I bend down to kiss her. Her lashes flutter and her eyes close. Just as my lips are about to claim hers there's another knock at the door. This one is a lot louder.

Fuck my life. Will I ever catch a fucking break this morning?

"Stronzo, put your dick away, Aroldo has called a meeting."

"Fuck off, Romano, I'm busy."

"Can't do that,fratello, it's urgent. But you got five minutes. Make it count." I can hear him laughing like thecazzohe is. It's a good job there's an oak door between me and him or he'd be lying in a pool of blood. But he's right. If Aroldo has called a meeting the day after Salvatore's wedding, shit must have hit the fan.

Reluctantly, I step back. Cara looks at me. The robe she wears is parted and I can see the deep valley between full breasts and the tiny scrap of red lace covering her pussy. It's insane and I really have to get dressed and go to the meeting, but there's something I need to do first.
