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“I am not making fun of you,” he adds quickly, “it’s a compliment.”

“It’s fine, thank you. Not used to hearing those.” I assure him and finish off my last bite. My stomach suddenly doesn’t feel so good and I can’t tell if it’s the food or my feelings. With how off and confused I felt lately, I can only guess it’s the latter.

Dante is frowning and I have ruined the mood. Before either of us can make it any worse, I dust my hands off and stand.

“We should probably get back. It’s getting pretty late.” Grimacing at how lame I sound, I consider feeding him some excuse about a show I found or something that is morebelievable. I have no excuse to go back now, but I can’t sit in an awkward silence. Even that is too much for me.

He doesn’t put up a fight. After tossing what food is left, he offers his arm.

Out here, while the moon is high in the sky, I technically don’t need him to guide me. Still, I don’t have the heart to see his expression worsen if I deny his offer. Even if it hurts my vulnerable heart, I give in and let him guide me back to the disguised hotel.


From the very beginning, I knew I was no good at this.

I complained to Aldoonceand suddenly, he wants to play Cupid. Feeding me all of these tips to help get this woman in my arms, I foolishly thought I stood a chance.

Even when I try to do something nice and show I’m not some bastard, it blows up in my face. I let my thoughts slip out without thinking, and I’ve offended her.

We are hardly welcomed into the hotel. As I glower ahead, not many people want to pretend I even exist. By the time we enter the elevator, I am forced to stare at my very own reflection. One I have recently been disliking more and more lately.

Veronica deserves a normal life, and I am the one standing in her way. If Dario hadn’t discovered her location, she’d still be living how she wanted.

“I’m sorry.”

The tightness of my stomach moves up to my throat as her words reach my ears. Perfect. Now she’s apologizing like she’s the one who fucked up here.

I don’t have enough time to turn down her apology. She turns to look at me, her brows pushed together.

“I’ve been keeping secrets from you.” Biting her lip, she hesitates to continue.

Just like that, I’m trying to pinpoint what she’s referring to. What sort of secrets? If they are Nicola’s, then she truly hasnothing to apologize for. But if she is gone behind my back and has been planning an escape of some sort, and that’s something else entirely.

For all I know, she’s simply put up an act and stole my heart along the way. Is she feeling guilty for making me fall for her so easily?

When she opens her mouth this time, I prepare myself for the worst. The elevator ride isn’t a long one, hardly enough for some long thought-out confession about what plans she’s made up.

However, instead of admitting that she hasn’t been playing me like a fiddle, she explains how long she’s been watching me.

“When you asked how long it’s been since I watched the cameras underground, I didn’t lie to you. But, I didn’t tell you the complete truth. Nothing down there interested me enough to check. You on the other hand, I’ve watched you daily.”

Her frown remains, and her porcelain skin is now red.

The elevator doors slide open, but neither of us moves. We are both too distracted by what’s going on.

This is not a conversation I want to have here or in some hall. Instead of waiting for her to get off, I hit the number of the floor that I live on.

“It’s hard to understand, but I didn’t do it with malice intentions. Not after the first or second time…” Her eyes glistened and it’s a punch to the gut. “I need you to understand that everything has changed. I want you to see me like the way I do you. Not like some pet.”

I compared her to a rabbit and she misunderstood. Fuck me.

The doors slide open once more and I grab her wrist. Hearing a gasp leave her lips, I pull her toward a door I am all too familiar with.

“I don’t see you as a pet.” Grumbling the words, I dig out the keycard and unlock my door. “I see you as a woman, one who hasbeen out of my reach for an eternity. Even when I did find you, nothing has changed.”

I made her feel like she was not appreciated. Not anymore. I might struggle to word how I feel about her, but I have no issue showing her. That hasneverbeen an issue.

Veronica follows me into my room speechless, when I flick on the light, she’s gaping at me. In both confusion and shock, she stares and searches my face.
