Page 22 of Royce

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“Moderately priced meals and genuine laughter?” She leans in to deliver that line with a smirk and the most malicious glint I’ve ever seen in anyone’s eyes.

“I’m sorry about this, Molly. This isn’t what I wanted…”

“I know you’re a man-whore, Royce. The whole town does,” Molly says, waving a hand to the side. “Why have you been asking me out for months?”

“Because that’s not who I want to be, and that night we met…” I answer her, reaching a hand across the table. “I’ve never had a kiss like yours, I think about you constantly, and I want to try this whole dating thing, to see where it takes us.”

“Okay then, I can’t pull this off without you, but so help me God, if you make me a laughingstock, I will make your life a living hell. Do you understand me?” Molly’s nostrils flare and the glint in her eyes has hardened.

Actually, my dick is hard now too. Christ, I had no idea she had this terrifying side to her.

“I’m in, sugar plum,” I promise her, and she slides her hand into mine, just as Cheri returns.

Molly looks at me, telling me what she wants and how she wants her steak prepared. I look up at Cheri, “That sounds good, I’ll have the same, but without the spinach.”

Cheri’s mouth is hanging open when I turn back to Molly.

“I meant to ask you about…” I start, before looking back up at the server who hasn’t moved. “Oh, and can we both get more water?”

Once she’s moved off, I get the story of where Molly grew up and how she fell in love with baking.

As she speaks, I register the sound of glass breaking beyond the kitchen door but hearing her talk got me thinking about how close I was with my mom and sister when I was growing up. I enjoy Molly’s stories and in her tone, I hear the longing she feels for her mom and grandmother. Once again, I feel guilty for not making it home to visit my family in so long.

At least, I do when I’m trying not to growl at the woman circling our table to constantly refill our water glasses. Just then, Molly’s thumb slides down the line on the palm of my hand and I lift my eyes back up to hers.

“Food’s here,” she murmurs and I nearly sigh in relief when I see it being brought out by a man.

“Sorry about the wait, folks,” he says, uncovering Molly’s plate and serving her first. “Your waitress was called away, so I’ll be taking over for you, my name is Dave, if you need anything else.”

Considering how red his neck is, I’m certain there’s more to the story, but I’m just going to be thankful for the change and not focus on it.

“Our waitress is being escorted out by security,” Molly whispers, her eyes focused over my shoulder, before leaning in closer to me. “And I’d be careful of the girl with the water pitcher, she’s glaring at us. What exactly do you do to women, that fascinates them so?”

Since that was the absolute last thing I expected to come out of her mouth, I start to choke on the steak I was swallowing and draw everyone’s attention. Molly’s nostrils are flaring and she’s trying really hard not to smile as she slides my water glass closer to me.

When I can finally draw in my breath, I wave off the girl with the water pitcher and grab Molly’s hand, bringing it to my lips.

“I’ll show you later,” I promise her, trying to suck her finger into my mouth as she tugs her arm back.

“No, I’m serious. I hear girls talking about you at the bakery, they don’t seem to care that their friends are sleeping with you. How do you keep them all straight?”

“I don’t.” I shrug, throwing my napkin to the side of my plate and giving up on the date. Although, I should at least be happy that the women haven’t taken to describing my dick at the local bakery. “They don’t matter to me, Molly. And theydocare that I hook up with anyone I choose to, but they’re hoping they’ll be the one that I patch, so they put up with it.”

I raise my glance from the table, about to suggest that we call it a night when I see the pity in her eyes and I decide to completely level with her.

“That night we met outside of Connal and Jake’s house, I was having a kind of ‘come to Jesus’ moment. Something had happened beforehand that really showed me the impact of how the shit I was pulling was hurting others. I said it to you before, Molly. I don’t want to bethatguy anymore. My dad was that guy and my mom sure as hell raised me to be better than him,” I earnestly try to explain that I’m trying to change.

“What is your mom like?” she asks, taking the final bite of her steak, her actions telling me that she’s not ready to bolt.

I smile, thinking of her but instead of words, I have a better idea. “You’re off tomorrow, right?”

She nods her head looking confused as I pull cash out of my wallet and leave it on the table, just before I reach for her hand to help her out of her seat.

“Can I drive your car?” I ask and hope she won’t consider this kidnapping.

“Where are we going?” she responds as I hurry her along toward the parking lot.

“Home,” I tell her, helping her into the passenger side of her Civic.
