Page 54 of The Death Games

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He nodded, his chin brushing against my hair. “It’s okay. You’re okay.”

I felt warm, embraced within his powerful arms.

None of the monsters could harm me here.

Not the Malquarans, not the giant alien T-Rex, not the alien males.


If I could just stay here, if I could just remain in his arms, everything would be okay.

But our ordeal wasn’t yet over.

We still had the remaining alien male to deal with.

I wiped my eyes and parted from Talan.

“Come,” Talan said. “We must keep moving—”

Before either of us could take a step, a deafening roar pierced the relative quiet of the jungle.

I barely had time to register the sound when a massive forceslammedinto Talan, sending him sprawling to the ground.

As our arms were still connected, I fell with him.

Hovering above him, rolling with the strike, was the Zylvari, its eyes a burning yellow, teeth bared in a menacing snarl.

Its fur was singed and still smoking — no doubt from the trap Talan had set earlier.

The reality hit me like a ton of bricks.

The chase wasn’t over; it had just begun.

* * *

The raw power exuding from the two combatants was palpable.

Even as I stood to the side, the sheer kinetic energy from their duel sent shivers down my spine.

It was a dance of danger and desperation, each combatant determined to gain the upper hand.

The Zylvari lunged at Talan with terrifying speed.

Its powerful claws swiped at Talan, issuing sparks from his hard scales.

They grappled fiercely, neither giving an inch.

Talan’s blue scales shimmered as they caught the dappled sunlight filtering through the trees, while the Zylvari’s coarse fur bristled with raw aggression.

With a guttural growl, the Zylvari snapped its sharp teeth at Talan’s face.

Talan jerked his head back, barely avoiding the attack, and countered by thrusting his knee into the Zylvari’s midsection.

The blow winded the creature, and taking advantage, Talan rolled them over, pinning the beast beneath him.

I saw the move coming and hastily joined Talan, rolling with the movement.

I didn’t want to be a deadweight again, not when he was fighting for our lives.
