Page 71 of A Matter of Trust

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Win, looking like a feminine version of her brother, handed her a bouquet, fragrant with herbs and delicate flowers to match the wreath on her hair and slipped into the church.

It was time to do the bride thing.

The twins made their entrance first, walking side by side, pacing to the entrance music. Grace had insisted on the full deal. Once she’d capitulated, she’d been all in, as if once she was no longer afraid of breaking, she realised she could bend. Which she did with a grace befitting her name.

Becca spotted Morgan instantly, his height and bright hair drawing her gaze, the much shorter Michael Long standing as his best man. She was halfway down the aisle before Morgan turned and she almost stumbled at the passion blazing in those blue eyes. The rest of the congregation faded to nothing as she homed in on the man she’d loved for most of her life. It was unbelievable that after all these years, the small, impossible dreams she’d nurtured as a teenager had come to fruition.

The ceremony was a blur, but she must have remembered the words because no-one had to prompt her. Finally, they reached the part where they kissed and her body woke up as his mouth teased hers. It was as natural as breathing to cling, tasting him, taking in the familiar scent of him. She blinked as he drew away and turned her to face the congregation.

Grace was unashamedly teary and Laureen gave Becca an irreverent thumbs up from her seat to one side. She sucked in an unsteady breath. She’d given herself away in front of half the town and suddenly it didn’t matter a bit. She had nothing to be ashamed of. Twining her fingers with Morgan’s long elegant ones, she beamed over the crowd, unable to stop herself from smiling.

Morgan tightened his grip, the intimacy of palm to palm contact sending a frisson like pure alcohol through her veins. A flush of pink blossomed at his throat and she revelled in the knowledge he was as much affected by her touch as she was by his.

By the time they were seated at the reception, photos taken, congratulations received, speeches over and toasts drunk, Becca was exhausted but riding on a high. The twins were running wild, glad to be released from the formal part of the evening. The only thing left was the cake cutting which Marcia was organising with her usual efficiency.

Morgan murmured in her ear, sending a shiver down her spine. ‘Happy, Mrs. Cavanaugh?’

Becca stilled. ‘Oh lord, I never thought of that.’

‘What do you mean?’ Morgan smiled tenderly down at her, one arm draped over the back of her seat.

She leaned into him. ‘Once upon a time my biggest fear was becoming your mother.’

They both glanced over at his parents who seemed to have achieved some kind of deeper understanding in the aftermath of Edward’s accident. Grace would never relinquish her public persona, but in private she was definitely softer. Affectionate with the twins and while Becca’s own relationship with her mother-in-law was still in a growing stage, she could consider her a friend at last.

Morgan tightened his grip on her shoulder, the other hand coming to rest low on her abdomen. ‘We’re both going to be in her bad books once we tell her our news.’

Becca placed her hand over his, warmth flooding her chest. ‘She won’t be able to deny she’s a grandmother this time.’

They watched as Gabby came up behind the older couple and draped her arms over them both. Morgan laughed as Grace flushed with pleasure. ‘I don’t think it will be such a problem. The twins are breaking her into being a “proper grandma” with their usual determination.’

Becca hesitated and then forced out the words. ‘Are you happy about the baby? We never discussed having more children.’

He tilted up her chin and kissed her gently. ‘I’m thrilled. This time I get to experience the whole shebang. It’s the one thing I regret about the twins—missing those years.’

‘I won’t be able to work full-time for a while after the birth.’

‘By then, we’ll have plenty of staff in place to take up the slack.’

At this moment, she wasn’t overly worried. Things were working out at the clinic, the two of them working together as a team. That was the best thing of all, the way they were in tune, sharing a vision for the future.

A sensation of warmth permeated her whole body. It seemed like, after all these years, they could and would have it all.


‘Sorry to disturb the lovebirds, but it’s time to cut the cake.’

Morgan tried not to curse as Marcia interrupted the moment.

They followed her to one side of the room where the cake was set up. It was a fabulous concoction made entirely of cupcakes on a stand Win had painted in white and gold to match the white icing with gold fondant ornaments on the top of each cake. Edward and Gabby were already beside the table, rather smug about the spectacular result of their planning. His mother had wanted a more traditional iced fruit cake, but the twins overruled her.

Marcia handed them the knife, indicating the larger than usual cupcake in the centre of the display and the crowd hushed, glasses of champagne sitting idle.

The knife sliced cleanly through the cake and the guests applauded.

Gabby bounced up and down. ‘You touched the bottom, that means you have to kiss the nearest boy, Mum.’

Morgan laughed as Becca’s skin took on a rosy hue. ‘If those are the rules.’

The tinkle of cutlery against crystal filled the room and Morgan turned Becca to face him. The love in her eyes was everything he craved. It made the struggles of the last thirteen years worthwhile.

It hadn’t been easy, but perhaps they were stronger people for it. Better able to make this marriage a success. He did have everything a man could want. His children, family, most of all, the woman he loved more than life.

Her fingers twined into his hair, her smile mischievous. ‘Don’t keep us waiting, my love.’

Morgan relaxed into her hold, meeting her lips with the same eagerness she displayed. He melted into her kiss, the feeling of coming home irradiating the moment.

Yes. He had everything.
