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Cash wraps an arm around my shoulders and draws me near. “I don’t care what your dumbass thinks.”

I cuddle into his hold. I try not to care what Jett thinks either but I can’t help but wonder. Will Cash regret being with me? Will he be bored with me when he can have a smorgasbord of women while on tour?

I force those thoughts from my mind. I’m not going to question whether I can trust Cash all the time. I need to have faith in him and his love for me.

I inhale a deep breath.

Have faith, Indy. Have faith.

Chapter 31

Love – if it comes with strings attached it isn’t worth a damn


The doorbell rings and I groan. “Can’t we have one day to sleep in?”

Cash buries his face in my neck. “Apparently not.”

“If it’s your bandmates, I’m going to kill them.”

He chuckles. “It’s cute you think they’d ring the bell.”

The doorbell rings again. “Whoever it is, is impatient.”

He sighs. “I’ll go.”

“You got home after three from the recording studio. Stay in bed,” I insist.

“If you’re sure.”

I kiss his cheek. “I’m sure.”

I snatch Cash’s hoodie from the floor and put it on over my pajamas.

The doorbell rings yet again.

“Geez. Hold your horses,” I mutter as I shut the bedroom door behind me and hurry down the stairs to the front door.

“Good….” My greeting trails off when I notice who’s at the door. “Mom. What are you doing here?”

“Is that any way to greet your mother?”

She can’t bother to say hello before beginning to criticize me?

“Won’t you come in?” I swing the door open wide and motion her inside.

Mom glances around the hallway and living room as I lead her toward the kitchen. I need coffee if I’m going to survive a surprise visit from my mother.

“Have a seat. I’ll make some coffee.”

She checks her watch. “There’s no time.”

“No time? Where are you going?”

“I think you mean where arewegoing.”

I give up on the coffee and whirl around to face her. “Okay. I’ll bite. Where are we going?”
