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Dylan smiles at me and my knees wobble. Dang him! And my stupid body!

Retreat! Retreat! Retreat!

I manage to smile at Indigo before fleeing. I won’t leave. Considering what’s about to happen, Indigo may very well need me. But I refuse to be in Dylan’s presence.

I hide in the corner of the bar with a glass of wine while Cash does the biggest grand gesture known to man. It’s beyond romantic. If I were Indigo, I would have forgiven him right away. But that’s not my friend. She made Cash work for his second chance.

Once the drama’s over,Cash & the Sinnerstake the stage. Apparently, Cash agreed to put on a concert in return for the town’s help with his grand gesture.

“Good evening, Winter Falls,” Cash begins.

The gossip gals rush to the front of the stage and scream in response to his intro. Those women scare the snot out of me. They’re old enough to be my grandmother but they certainly don’t act like my grandma.

Time for me to go home. Indigo and Cash are back together. Their happily ever after is secured. My book is calling my name.

I’m nearly at the door when Indigo clamps a hand down on my shoulder. “And where do you think you’re going?”

Instead of answering her question, I draw her into a hug. “I’m happy for you, Indigo.”

She giggles and sways me from side to side. “I can’t believe what just happened.”

“You deserve it.” She was broken when Cash dumped her at our high school graduation. I’m glad they’ve found their way back to each other.

“You could have this, too, you know.” She tries to guide me toward the stage but I plant my feet and refuse to budge.

“He doesn’t remember who I am,” I hiss.

“So, tell him.”

I scowl at her. Tell Dylan we went to high school together? Great idea. Then, he’ll know what a complete loser I am. A mouse he didn’t bother to notice for four years of high school.

“Whatever you’re thinking is wrong.”

The band starts playing making it impossible to continue this conversation. Time to escape.

But there is no escape for me. Indigo must have super strength because she drags me toward the stage. I wish I was the person who would kick and scream until she let me go. But I’m not. I’m the girl who doesn’t raise her voice.

“Suck it up, buttercup!” Indigo shouts when we reach the front of the crowd.

I try to inch backwards but there’s nowhere to go. The crowd surges toward the stage. If I want to escape, I’ll have to go against them. Which is not happening. Being shy and introverted sucks sometimes.

“This song is for Indy, the love of my life,” Cash announces.

I try to keep my eyes pinned to Cash. I really do. But before I know what’s happening, my gaze drifts to Dylan.

He was cute in high school, but now? Now, he’s as sexy as any book boyfriend I could ever imagine.

His gaze meets mine and he winks. I bet he’s winked at a thousand women in the crowd before. I roll my eyes and he grins.

As the band plays, I’m ashamed to admit, I can’t keep my eyes off Dylan. Is there anything sexier than a man playing the guitar? The muscles in his biceps and forearms contract as he plays and my fingers itch to touch them. To feel how hard those muscles are. Is his skin soft to the touch?

His right arm sports a full sleeve of tattoos. I never thought I’d find tattoos sexy, but I’m intrigued by his ink. What does it mean? How would he react if I traced every inch with my tongue?

“We’re going to take a small break,” Cash announces after the fifth song.

The crowd begins to disperse and Indigo makes her way toward Cash. This is my chance to escape.

The front door is too far away and there are too many people blocking me. I march toward the back entrance instead.
