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I squirm in my seat. I don’t want to be Cash, the rockstar, to these men. I want to be their brother. Part of their family. I want to experience the easy rapport I have with my band with them.

“Hey,” Indy enters the room. “Everything going okay in here?” She glares at each of my brothers in turn.

I stand and tag her hand. “Everything’s fine. These are my brothers. Damon, Brody, Riley, Elder, and Miller.”

She smiles at them. “Nice to meet you.” She lowers her voice. “Are you okay? Did you need me to kick them out of the house?”

I squeeze her hand. “I’m fine.”

She studies my face for a moment before nodding. “Okay. I’ve got errands to do. I’ll be back in a while.”

“Bye, boys.” She waves.

“Hot damn. She’s gorgeous.”

I whirl around to growl at Riley. He holds up his hands. “Don’t worry. I’m happy in my relationship.”

“We all are,” Brody adds.

I sit on my chair and they tell me all about their love stories. As I listen, I can’t help but think of Indy. I don’t want our love story to be over. I want a second chance. And I’m getting it. I’m not letting her slip through my fingers again.

She’s mine. She always has been.

Chapter 11

Jerk face – someone who lets information about an intimate moment slip to band mates who aren’t known for their discretion


“Go away,” a man shouts after I knock on the door.

My response? I knock again.

“Go away!”

“I’m here to see Dylan,” I announce through the door.

“He doesn’t want to see you!”

Because he doesn’t know who it is. I start knocking and don’t stop until the door opens.

I wish I could say I don’t know who this person is. Could claim I’ve been able to ignore any mention of Cash’s band for the past decade. But I can’t. It’s hard to ignore a picture of your ex on the front cover of a magazine when you’re at the grocery check-out lane. Switching lanes doesn’t work. Trust me. I’ve tried.

This is Jett – drummer for the world famousCash & the Sinnersband. He glares at me for all of a microsecond before he bites his lip and rakes his gaze over me. Freaking rockstars.

“Look, darling, Dylan’s not interested, but you can give me your number.”

I roll my eyes. “I’m here to see Dylan,” I repeat.

“Dylan doesn’t fuck fans.” He wiggles his eyebrows. “But I do.”

“Not interested. Tell Dylan Indigo’s here.”

All signs of Jett the flirt disappear. “Indigo?”

“Dylan!” I shout since Jett’s being a major unhelpful pain in the butt.

“Indigo? Is that you?” Dylan pushes Jett out of his way. “It is you!”
