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“I get it, Sir. This is more than I expected.” They sat like this for a short time before she squirmed on his lap. He looked at the clock and understood why she was getting antsy.

“I know you need to finish getting ready for work, but I’m concerned if I let you go, you will run. What you need to understand is if you do, I will chase you, and, if you make me chase you, I will make your ass feel it.”

“Damn you,” she mumbled as she stood. She picked up the bag and headed to the bathroom to finish getting ready. Derrick decided to let her have the space she obviously needed. He meant what he said. He would chase her down if she decided to run.

When she came out of the en suite, he no longer saw his submissive. This was Dr. Gardner, and she was all business. She walked with her shoulders back and her head up, a woman of authority. Just when he thought she couldn’t be any sexier, Dr. Gardner showed up. He grew rock-hard under his sweats; glad he hadn’t yet changed his clothes.

“Has anyone ever told you how hot you are, Dr. Gardner?”

“Well, now that you mention it, I don’t think anyone has.” She laughed out loud. “But I need to get to the hospital.” She seemed nervous, even as she presented herself as anything but.

“One of the rules of staying with me is that I will get a kiss from you before you leave. So, if you wear lipstick, you might want to think about reapplying because I will kiss you like I mean it.” He reached down, careful not to mess up the already messy bun on top of her head and took her mouth. He wanted to mark her so she would think about him all day.

When he stepped back, she brought her hand up to her lips.

“Will you come back tonight for dinner?” He posed it as a question, but what he really wanted to do was make it an order. However, that would never work with her if it affected her work.

“I think I can make that happen, but I need to go home for a change of clothes first.”

“Perfect, Pack a bag for the next few days.” She opened the door, and he decided to take what he wanted.

“We need to spend more time together, and this is the perfect way.” He waited for the argument he was sure would come.

“How long, exactly, do you want me to stay?” She furrowed her brow.

“Why don’t we start with through Sunday. I have to oversee the security at the club over the weekend, but we can still have time to play. I would love to take your ass right there on the cross.” He loved the ideas coming to play in his mind.

“I can do that,” she answered with a smile, surprising the Dom waiting for the argument that didn’t come.

“All right, then, let’s get you out of here.” He escorted her downstairs and out to her car where he kissed her again before reaching down to pinch her ass.

“Oh.” She squirmed before climbing into her car.

He watched her drive away then went back upstairs to dress for the day feeling upbeat for the first time in years.


Samantha couldn’t believe how comfortable she felt in Derrick’s home. She thought when he asked her to stay that he was crazy, but they spent each night in each other’s arms, and she had to admit he felt like home. He mastered her body every night like he was born to do it, but when morning came, he let her be herself without trying to get in the way of her job or daily life. She started to wonder why she had avoided having a relationship for so long, but then again, maybe it would only work with Derrick.

She left for work this morning excited they would have the opportunity to play in the club tonight. She hadn’t realized just how uptight she was until some of her favorite nurses commented that she was smiling more. She really needed to make sure she smiled at people more often. She couldn’t let the stress of her job get in the way of how she treated people, no matter what happened with Derrick.

She was doing her afternoon rounds when the first test of her new attitude came. Dr. Michaels nearly bumped into her as he raced around a corner. “Oh, I’m sorry, Dr. Gardner, I didn’t see you there.”

“No, you couldn’t have. You were not paying attention. What has you moving so fast this morning? Is there something I need to know about?” She tapped her foot in impatience.

“Nothing you need to be concerned with. Just trying to make sure I have everything done so I can get out of here on time. Gracie’s father came back today, and he is not very happy, so he has me running a little behind.” She’d had a difficult time with similar issues as a resident.

“The more you practice time management, the better you will be. Do the most important things then work toward the rest. Patient care is and always will be first on your daily list.”

“I understand. I still have a few patients to see, and I need to write discharge orders on the two we discussed during grand rounds.” She appreciated his trying to engage with her.

“Well, I won’t hold you up. Remember, parents are always anxious to get their kids out of here. Get those orders written so the nurses can get them out the door.” She smiled and turned back toward her office where she was headed in the first place.

When she got there, she fired up her computer and started to look over the charts of her active patients who had been admitted to the hospital. She had a great team in place but always liked to see what was going on for herself. Gracie’s was the first file she opened hoping to see some improvement in her labs from last week, but she was disappointed.

After spending the day getting bad news, she needed tonight more than she cared to admit. She’d gone into oncology wanting nothing more than to save children, perhaps a simplistic view of the world, but, after losing Jenn, she wanted to keep others from sharing the way she was feeling. Now, all these years later, she wondered if it was all worth it. When she was feeling this way, she looked at the wall of her office, at all of the pictures sent to her over the years of children she had helped.

Derrick came to her mind as she sat there thinking of Jenn. What would Jenn think of the two of them being together? She hoped she would’ve been happy for them. Still a little concerned about where this was going, she had to learn how to share parts of herself she had always held close.

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