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“Hmm, seems like maybe this little bird means something to you. Very interesting. You have no idea who you’re dealing with. I could buy this place ten times over and not even blink. I’m a member, and you will treat me with the respect I deserve. However, I will overlook the slight if you move on over and let me get on with my night. I happen to love turning a redhead’s ass the same color as her hair.”

Samantha sucked in a breath. He wanted to reassure her everything would be all right, but he couldn’t turn his back on this douche.

“You think of even breathing in her direction, and that will be the last thought you entertain. Now, unless you want me to tell everyone exactly why you were denied a membership, in glorious Technicolor detail, I suggest you leave before my patience is totally gone.” He took a step forward, no longer willing to wait to see what Kyle would do. He needed him away from Samantha as quickly as he could make it happen.

“Very interesting indeed. You have no idea what you’ve started here, but I promise you will regret treating me this way.”

“I highly doubt that. Maybe Daddy’s money will get you what you want everywhere else but not here. You are not welcome, and if I see you here again, we will call the police, and have you escorted off the property in cuffs. Don’t try me. You won’t like me very much if you push me any further.”

“You will regret this,” Kyle repeated and walked out pulling his cell out on his way. Derrick had no doubt he would try to follow through with the threats he had made. Kyle was an abusive asshole with more money than sense. There were things in his background that didn’t necessarily add up, but Derrick hadn’t felt the need to investigate further. Tonight changed that. He would use whatever means necessary to dig up every speck of dirt on the man. His gut told him this was not over, and it had never steered him wrong. Listening to it was why he had survived all the life-threatening situations over the years with the military.

Samantha stared out the door Kyle had just exited through. She was shaking, clearly upset by what she had witnessed.

“I thought I asked you to go back to the bar, and yet here you still are. Would you like to explain to me why you decided to disobey? It won’t change the fact we’ll be having a punishment tonight instead of the fun I had planned for us, but I would like to understand your thinking.”

“I heard yelling, so I needed to come see what was going on.” Her chin came up in defiance.

“Seriously, that’s your answer? I indicated you should stay in the bar, and you came out here anyway. Then I told you to go, and you chose to stay, making a bad situation even worse. You are now on that asshole’s radar. He has a history of beating his girlfriends, and I’m not talking about the fun kind of beating.” He was having a difficult time keeping his anger in check. “Go back to the main room and find your friends. I need time to handle things here and calm down, but I promise I will be dealing with your ass before we leave this club tonight.”

She mumbled, “Yes, Sir,” before scooting back inside as if her ass was already on fire. He had no intention of scaring her, but he needed to get control of himself.

“Derrick, what’s going on?” Ian approached and placed a hand on his shoulder. Derrick shrugged him off but immediately felt guilty. His friend was attempting to help him calm down, but he was in no mood at the moment. Samantha had put herself in danger.

“Let’s discuss it in the office.” They had acquired quite a crowd. “All right, everyone, show’s over. Please head back into the club and enjoy your night.” He started down the hallway to the office before he lost his temper and went after his sub.


Derrick had wanted her to stay in the main room and wait for him, but Samantha’s curiosity got the better of her. Her ass would pay the price. Though she loved when he put his hands on her, she was not looking forward to what the rest of the night would bring.Damn. Why didn’t I just stay at the bar?

“Hey, girl, what was going on out there?” Bridget craned her neck around, trying to see down the hall as Samantha made her way to where her new friends were sitting.

“I’m surprised you didn’t go and see for yourself,” she chuckled.

“You know me so well after such a short time.” Bridget laughed. “But my friend Lainie was afraid of what Matthew would do and forced me to stay with her. So, what happened?”

“You’re going to have to tell her, or she will never calm down.” Lainie rolled her eyes, but her smile remained in place.

“Some asshole was demanding to get in, but apparently he didn’t get approved for membership. He wasn’t happy with Derrick.” She shuddered thinking about the pure evil in the man’s eyes.

“Who was he? I heard several people from the old club didn’t get memberships. Security got tighter with Derrick at the helm. I am glad, especially after what happened to Lainie.” She reached across and hugged her friend across the shoulders.

“He was yelling his name was Kyle McAllister as if that was supposed to mean something, but I’ve never laid eyes on him before.”

“I have, and I am happy to never see him again. You nailed it on the head when you called him an asshole. He had a reputation with the subs, and it wasn’t a good one.”

“I’m still a little new to the lifestyle, but why didn’t anyone ever report him to one of the guys? Matthew would never let something like that go on and not do everything in his power to put a stop to it.” Lainie bit her bottom lip.

“What’s going on ladies?” Matthew bounded toward them. When he was in front of Lainie, he scooped her up before sitting and placing her in his lap. Samantha was always in awe of just how in tune he was with his sub’s emotions.

“We were talking about the asshat Kyle and his little stunt at the front door. I’m glad you guys kicked his ass out. He’s a son of a bitch.” Bridget crossed her arms and huffed making Samantha wonder why she was getting such an attitude with the man who obviously loved her best friend. Her spidey sense told her something more was going on, though she was sure Bridget would never admit to anything.

“Where’s Jack tonight? We haven’t seen much of him around here lately.” Matthew’s change of subject almost gave Samantha whiplash. It was like watching a tennis match. Bridget lobbed at him, and he sent it right back at her.

“You and me both,” Bridget mumbled as she stood. “He’s working, just like he always is, Matthew. If you need to talk to him, maybe you should call his secretary and make an appointment because that is likely the only way you will get to see him.” She leaned down and kissed Lainie’s head before righting herself. “I don’t think I need to be here tonight, so I’m gonna head home. Lainie, don’t forget we have a lunch date tomorrow. Samantha, you should join us. Call me in the morning.”

She sailed out of the room with her head held high. If Samantha weren’t paying close attention, she might have missed the tear falling down her cheek. Though they hadn’t been friends for long, she understood Bridget would have to come to them for help when she was ready. Pushing her would only manage to chase her away.

“Well, I just stepped in it, didn’t I?” Matthew shook his head. He and Lainie cuddled in the chair. She had seen them scene in the club, but anyone looking at them could see their relationship was so much more.

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