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At first, her touch was gentle, but that didn’t last long. She gripped the base of his dick and licked a drop of precum from the head.

“You are going to take me down your throat, and I’m going to fuck your face until you suck me dry. Then, we will deal with your transgression.” Her eyes were hooded. She sucked him in, and he gave himself over to the sensation. He drew himself back and thrust. She swallowed, bringing him all the way in, and it took everything in him not to shoot his load down her throat like a virgin getting his first taste of oral.

He allowed her the illusion of control for about two minutes before he needed to take it back and thrust in earnest. The tears falling from her eyes at the invasion were beautiful. The sight spurred him on even faster. She never fought against him, no matter how hard he fucked her face. She took the punishment with the grace of a submissive who wanted nothing more than to please him. “I am going to gift you with my cum, and you will swallow every drop.” He didn’t know how he managed to form words; he was so far gone.

When he could hold back no longer, he allowed his orgasm to come. She swallowed every drop, not allowing any to escape. He loved seeing her like this, on her knees, lips red and puffy, tears streaming down her face. She was never more beautiful than when submitting to him.

“Thank you for that, Red.” He reached down and took her hand, helping her to her feet. She was slightly wobbly, and he circled his arms around her, holding her close until she was steady again. “Put yourself in front of the cross, facing out.”

He retrieved the silk cords from his bag. When he turned back, her hands were clasped together in front of her, knuckles white. She seemed a little nervous.

He used the attached leather cuffs to secure her wrists and ankles to the cross, tight enough to keep her in place but not so tight as to mess with her circulation.

“Red, are your restraints comfortable? You may answer.” He knew they were, but he needed to make sure she did as well.

Samantha pulled on her arms several times before answering, “Yes, Sir.”

“Good girl.” He leaned forward and kissed her passionately. “A reminder so you don’t get yourself in any more trouble than you already are. You are not going to orgasm tonight. If you do, you will find your consequences to be severe.” He took the silk he was holding and wrapped it around her eyes. “I don’t think you need to see what is coming tonight.”

Once he had her exactly as he wanted her, he retrieved the crop from the table. He started by lightly drawing it down her right arm, followed by her left. Her lips pursed. Drawing back, he then flicked her right breast, which brought a sigh. He loved that sound almost as much as the redness forming on her skin.

He continued flicking her breasts before moving down her body with featherlight touches of the leather tip. When he reached her pussy, glistening with her juices, he leaned over and swiped his tongue up her slit. He could worship at the altar of her pussy for the rest of his life.

She attempted to bring her legs together, only to be stopped by the restraints holding her in place on the cross. He pulled back to admire her beauty, and she took a deep breath. He knew she was doing everything she could to keep herself settled. He obviously wasn’t working hard enough at her punishment. He would need to up his game until she writhed under his touch.

Returning to his bag of tricks, he pulled out a pair of nipple clamps. The ruby studded beauties would cause quite a sting.

“I think it’s time we decorated these beautiful nipples, don’t you agree?” She wouldn’t answer, but the small crowd gathering to watch them murmured. Their presence didn’t change his plans for the evening. Before the night was over, she would know who was in charge and just how far he would go to protect her.

He lifted the silk from her eyes. She blinked several times before focusing on the jewelry in his right hand. Her eyes widened, and she inhaled deeply.

“Yes, my dear. I had these made especially for you. Aren’t they pretty? I picked out the stones knowing how pretty they will look on you, Red. I’m going to enjoy pulling on the chain between them until your poor nipples can’t handle another second then I’m going to pull on it again.” He reached down and pinched her right nipple causing her to gasp.

Once he had the clamps in place, her breathing had changed. She was continuing to try to control her reactions, but he wasn’t having it. He tightened the clamps a little more before pulling on the chain, drawing a hiss from her beautiful mouth.

He reached between her legs then pulled back to see her glistening juices coating his fingers. “My girl likes a little pain to her nipples, doesn’t she?” He put his fingers to her lips, waiting for them to open before placing them on her tongue. She closed her mouth and sucked them clean.

He pulled back and grabbed his crop and started to spank her over and over with the crop as the tears fell from her face. He hated to see her cry, but he needed her to understand she needed to do as he asked. He would never boss her around outside of their play unless her safety was an issue. She needed to trust him.

When her sobbing became more pronounced, he dropped the crop before undoing her restraints and picking her up. He walked to the couch against the wall and sat with her in his arms. “Do you understand what happened here tonight?” He stroked her face, wiping her tears away.

“I should have listened to you, Sir. I didn’t know what I was walking into, and I should have stayed where you asked me to.”

“I would never ask you to do something not in your best interests. Do you believe that?”

“Yes, Sir. I’m so sorry.”

“That’s my good girl, and good girls get rewarded. You will listen to me where your safety is concerned, won’t you, my sweet?” He brought his hand between her legs and stroked her pussy.

“Yes, Sir, please, I need.” She panted her response but seemed unable to continue through her attempts to control her breathing.

It wouldn’t take long to give her the release she so desperately needed. His stroke was gentle at first becoming more forceful as he continued. Her moans were music to his ears.

When she was right where he wanted her, he whispered in her ear, “come for me,” as he pinched her clit with enough force to set her off like fourth of July fireworks. It was a thing of beauty. When her orgasm was complete, her eyes drifted closed, and her head fell against his shoulder. This was heaven. He couldn’t think of anything better.


It took Samantha a few minutes to realize she was at Derrick’s place. Light streaming through the open blinds and the cold bed next to her told her Derrick was already up, though it shouldn’t surprise her. No matter how late they were out the night before, he was always out of bed before the sun rose.I guess you can take the man out of the Navy but not the other way around.

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