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She was curious what was happening at the club, but the idea of a hot bath won over her need to know. Walking into the en suite bathroom, she saw he’d already drawn a bath, and when she put her hand in the water to test the temperature, it was perfect.Hmm. He must have just left.Normally they would be in the club together on a Friday night, but with him going out of town along with her long work week, he’d decided they needed to stay in.

After undressing, Samantha eased into the hot bath, feeling her muscles relax almost immediately. Her Dom knew exactly what she needed and always found a way to provide it. She would miss him like crazy while he was gone, and, worse, she had no way of knowing how long he would be gone and no way to get in touch with him aside from leaving a voice mail and waiting for him to get the message.

She lay back and closed her eyes, ready to let the stress of work go. She also needed to find a way to let go of the fear she was holding onto about Derrick. He was a smart man who knew what he was doing. He would be safe and return to her unharmed. There was no other acceptable outcome.

“You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.” Derrick sat on the edge of the tub and stroked her face, causing her to open her eyes. She had no clue how long she had been lying there, but the water was starting to cool. She must have drifted off while waiting for him to arrive.

“Hi.” She stretched out, not caring she was naked in front of him. That was becoming the natural state of things anyway. She yawned, unable to keep herself from showing her exhaustion.

“Come on. Let’s get you out of there. You need some rest.” He held out his hand and she took it and pulled herself to standing before stepping out onto the mat. He reached the towel warmer and dried her body before grabbing the brush to use on her hair. He seemed to love caring for her as much as she loved him doing it.

“I don’t want to go to sleep yet.” She yawned again.

“How about I put on a movie and we cuddle. That way, you get some rest, and I get to hold you.” He bent down and placed a kiss on the top of her head.

“You’re leaving in a couple of days. Don’t you want…?” She motioned toward her body.

“As your Dom, it is up to me to understand your needs and make sure you are taken care of. You’re so tired, you are swaying on your feet. No sex for you, my tired Little Red. Let’s go.” He ushered her to the bed where he had laid out sleep pants and a T-shirt. After she dressed, he pulled back the covers before she climbed in. After changing into a pair of shorts, he sat on the bed and grabbed the television remote. She snuggled in and fell asleep before the movie even started.

* * *

Samantha woke in the morning refreshed but hot and sore. It felt like she hadn’t moved a muscle the entire night. She was completely wrapped around Derrick as he lay with his arm around her.

“Good morning, Red.” He kissed the top of her head.

“Do you ever sleep in?” she grumbled, not a morning person in the slightest.

“Nope, I actually like getting up in the morning, unlike a certain young lady in my bed.” His grin made her smile in return. Derrick leaned over to kiss her, but she drew back.

“Let me brush my teeth first. I have terrible morning breath.” She didn’t want to chase him away.

“To hell with that.” He brought her mouth to his and kissed her to the point of taking her breath away.

Who gives a fuck about morning breath?

When he pulled back, he winked at her. Her playful man had shown up this morning. The playful man who made her heart race or the Dominant who rocked her world, she would take whatever she could get from him.

“All right, it’s time to get our asses out of bed. You have a brunch to prepare for, and I’m going to meet with the guys today instead of tomorrow so we can spend the day together then. When I get back, you’ll have to join me for the weekly Sunday meetings.” He sat up, bringing her with him.

“What do you mean? I don’t work for the club.” Though it made her feel good he wanted to include her.

“You wouldn’t be alone. Lainie comes every week with Matthew. You guys could chat while we talk about club business. I like that you’re starting to make friends with some of the other subs there. You’ve stayed to yourself for far too long.”

“I’m not even going to question how you would know that because I would probably hate the answer.” She shook her head as she turned to sit on the side of the bed. When she looked at the clock, she noticed it was already past nine. “I get the shower first.” She laughed as she raced to the bathroom, knowing if he wanted to, he could easily catch her.

She was surprised he didn’t try to stop her until after she was already in the shower. She felt a cold breeze for a second before feeling the length of him at her back. “I knew you couldn’t resist.” She leaned into him, feeling his hard cock at the crease of her ass.

“Oh no, my sweet. I’m not giving you what you so desperately want this morning. You’re going to have to wait until tonight for that.” His voice was deep, husky.

“Really? I can’t talk you into a little playtime this morning?” Her voice was whiney, but she didn’t care. There was no denying how much she wanted him.

“We don’t have much time, and I have no interest in a quickie. I plan to take my time with you tonight.” He bent over and kissed her neck making her shiver in response.

He grabbed the soap and lathered the washcloth before washing her without missing a single spot. He worshiped her body, and there was nothing sexual about it. Still, it was more erotic than anything they had done. When he was finished, she attempted to return the favor. “No, Red. This was for you, and you have plans this morning. Out you go.” He ushered her out of the shower but stayed behind.Damn, that man has nerves of steel.

She left the bathroom wrapped in a towel to grab her clothes and get dressed before doing her hair and makeup, excited about going to brunch with the girls. Never having girlfriends, she didn’t know what to expect, but it would be nice to have a stress-free meal with her new friends.

When she got to the restaurant, she found Lainie and Bridget in the corner booth, laughing and drinking mimosas. “Did you ladies start without me?” She sat next to Lainie who reached over and hugged her.
