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“Nothing specific that you all don’t already know. Right now, it’s just a feeling. We already have proof he has abused women in the past. Honestly, I think there is more he’s managed to keep buried. I’ll find it though.”

“If there isn’t anything else from security, let’s talk about events.” Ian continued the meeting, but Derrick was no longer paying attention. He never had much patience for meetings, and even less when he had things to do. He continued to eat the plate of fruit he had taken and forced himself to zone in on the things they were talking about. Currently, they were considering a Christmas party for top-level members, even though the holiday was months away.

Once the meeting wrapped up, Derrick stood to shake hands with the other guys. He had a lot to do before Samantha got back, so he wanted to get started running the security protocols as soon as he could. He said his goodbyes and headed to the security hub, hoping to get everything done so he could spend the rest of the weekend with the redhead before flying out first thing on Monday.

He always got a sense of satisfaction walking into the security room he’d had a hand in setting up to the smallest detail. The system he designed in place, the men were all hand-picked by him, and he would trust each of them with his life. More importantly, he trusted them with the lives of every member of his club. He may not have been an original owner, but that didn’t change the pride he felt when he thought about what they were giving to the community. For some of the members, it was the only safe place they had to be their true selves, and he would protect that with everything he had in him.

“Hey, Sam, how are things today?” Sam was his second in command and would be the one managing while he was gone.

“All quiet here. We have another batch of applications needing to be gone through, but I figured you can do that when you get back from your trip. I don’t think you’ll let many of them through anyway.” He shrugged.

“That’s probably true. Anyway, I don’t plan on being in tomorrow, so start the first-round background checks, and I will do the rest when I get back.”

“When do you expect that to be, boss? I don’t mind running the show in your absence, but I was curious how long you thought you would be gone.” Sam knew he was involved in things he couldn’t talk about after serving in the Teams with him, so it didn’t surprise Derrick he was stepping around the question.

“I don’t know on this one, Sam. I just need you to hold down the fort until I come back.” His gut was telling him the next few weeks would be tough, but he needed to deal with the scum who thought it was okay to sell women.

“You know I’ve got your back, always have.” Sam turned back to his computer. “I’ll put the applications on the back burner, and we can deal with them later.” Sam returned to work without further conversation, so Derrick went into his office to organize everything he needed to do before leaving. He wanted Sunday to be about spending time with Samantha, and he would be dammed if he let anything get in the way of that.

After a couple of hours passed, Derrick stood to stretch his legs. Everything he needed to do for the club was finished, so he decided to go upstairs to pack. Once he got up there, the first thing he did was go to the wall safe to pull everything he required for the op including ID and cash. Sure, he would be provided with what the government thought he needed, but he had learned years ago not to trust them to take care of him. He would always have a backup plan. His life depended on it.

Once everything was finished, he looked at his watch and began to wonder where Samantha was. It had been a few hours, and he expected her back any minute. The only problem was he knew the ladies she was with, and they could talk for hours. Since she wasn’t back and he didn’t know when she would be, Derrick decided to shower then get started on something for them to eat.

Derrick didn’t know how long he was in the hot shower, but when he stepped out and grabbed his towel, he could barely see around the room for the steam that had built up. He loved the way the owners had set up his home with the latest and best of everything including an endless supply of hot water. It always seemed to relax him in a way little else besides great sex did.

Before walking into his bedroom, he wrapped the towel around his hips and grabbed a second one and began to dry his hair. When he heard a sound, he looked up to see his beautiful redhead in all her glory sitting on his bed, leaning against the headboard. The sight of her took his breath away.

“Damn, you are the sexiest thing I have ever seen.” Yes, he was the Dominant one in the relationship, but seeing her there waiting for him made him feel like a kid walking into a candy store, and he wanted to taste everything offered. The towel around his waist tented as his cock stood at attention.

“Well, you are as hot as they come, Sir, and you look like you have some pent-up energy. So, I thought you might need some way to work through all that energy.” She smiled at him. “And I may need a little something to tide me over until you get back.”Damn, this woman’s going to be the death of me.

“And I thought I was the one in charge around here.” He couldn’t help the smile he felt creep across his face.

“Oh, you most certainly are, Sir. I was just showing you what you’re in charge of.” And he’d thought she couldn’t get any sexier.

“I’m definitely going to take advantage of that.” He dropped the towel from his waist and jumped on the bed where he intended to spend the rest of the weekend.


Monday morning came so much faster than Samantha had hoped. When she heard Derrick’s alarm sound, she opened her eyes, realizing immediately he was already out of the bed and had been for quite some time as the sheets were already cold to the touch. She hated feeling like a needy woman, but she didn’t want him to leave. She couldn’t put her finger on why, but she had a bad feeling and knew she would worry the whole time he was gone.

“Good morning, beautiful.” She turned to see the man in question standing in the doorway, looking better than he had a right to, holding a steaming cup of coffee.

She sat and leaned back against her pillow, stretching her arms in front of her toward the nectar of the gods. “Gimme, gimme.”

“After the weekend we just had, you lie in the bed naked and want coffee? What about me?” His adorable pout melted her heart a little. When he teased her this way, he stole another little piece of her heart. He placed the steaming cup on the bedside table.

“Oh, please. I am all about what you have to offer, whether it is that hot body, or the hot cup of coffee you are holding, but we both know you have to leave in the next few minutes. However…” She slid out of bed, thinking she wanted nothing more than to taste him one more time before he left. She slid to her knees and placed her hands on the waistband of his pants before he stopped her.

“I want nothing more than to feel those pretty lips around my cock, but I have a plane to catch, and you need to get ready for work.” She couldn’t believe he was turning down a blow job. Even though they had spent the entire weekend in bed, it still stung. Could he be tired of her already?

“Hey, none of that.” He reached out and helped her to her feet. Once she was standing, he lifted her chin, giving her no choice but to look him in the eyes. “I wish I didn’t have to go. Hell, I wish I never had to leave the bed again, but you know I have to do this.”

“I know, Derrick. I’m not usually a clingy girl, but I just don’t want you to go.” A tear fell down her cheek.

“Oh, my love, you aren’t clingy. I will miss you, too. You will stay here while I’m gone like we discussed; it’s the safest place for you. When I get back, be prepared to miss work because you won’t be able to walk straight.”

“I still don’t understand what you are so worried about. I get that you see a lot of bad stuff in your line of work, but this is Clarksburg. I’m sure I will be fine.” The look he returned sent shivers down her spine. She was no longer talking to playful Derrick. This was Sir.
