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“Besides, I want to bring up something you may have already thought about. Samantha saw Kyle at the club, right? The night you kicked him out?”

“Yes, and the punishment she received is one she won’t soon forget, why?” Matthew must have had a point, but, in his current state of mind, he couldn’t get there on his own.

“I wondered the same thing, Sir.” Lainie grabbed Matthew’s hand. He nodded at her, encouraging her to continue. “I was supposed to meet Samantha immediately after work that evening. How did he get to her? She wouldn’t have gone with him willingly. How did he get her out of the hospital?”

What the actual fuck?Derrick had been so worried about getting to Samantha, he’d missed the truth staring him in the face. “The fucker had help.” He was already reaching for his cell phone.

When the call was answered, he spoke quickly. “Dean, I need you to access the cameras in and around Midtown hospital. The fucker had to have help to get her out of here, and I need to know who right the fuck now.” Derrick was finding it difficult to control his anger, but he needed to keep his voice down or the battle-ax from the waiting room would have him thrown out on his ass.

“On it,” Dean responded and hung up. If anyone could do it, it would be him.

“I’m going to pretend you didn’t just order someone to hack into our cameras and violate the HIPPA rights of all of the patients,” Matthew said in a low voice. “In fact, I need to get back to the OR. Jake was fixing her arm when I left. She has the best team working on her. We’ll get her through this.” He bent down and kissed his woman before leaving them alone.

“He’s right, you know.” Lainie put her arms around him and gave him a warm hug. “I can’t think of a better group of surgeons to take care of her, and I’ve been in healthcare a long time. Trust them to take care of her until you can again. Let’s go back out to the main waiting room where they will call when they’re finished.”

Lainie led the way back to their chairs. People underestimated the strength of the subs. These ladies kicked ass.

Derrick watched the clock. He was waiting to hear she was out of surgery but also waiting to hear from Dean. Why hadn’t he considered it sooner or at all really. All he’d thought about was getting to her and getting her back. Now that the question had been raised about it gave him focus. Whoever helped Kyle would suffer. Derrick would make sure of it.

While he was lost in thought, his cell pinged a text message telling him to call Dean when he was alone. He got up, but Lainie reached over and put her hand on his arm. “We’re in this together. What do you know?”

“Nothing yet. I need to call my source.” It was easier to use that term than to explain his team, which he shouldn’t do anyway.

“What are you waiting for?” Bridget leaned over Lainie and asked.

Fuck it.He dialed.

Dean picked up on the first ring. “You were right. She was led to an empty floor by someone I think is a coworker. They had several encounters throughout the day before he drugged her, and they got her out of the hospital on a gurney. Nobody even questioned them. I’m sending you a pic. Good luck.” He hung up, and Derrick looked down at his phone impatiently waiting to see the face of the motherfucker who helped hurt his woman.

When the picture came through, the man seemed familiar. While he was trying to place him, Lainie asked, “Why do you have a picture of Dr. Michaels on your phone?”

“Wait. Dr. Michaels? You know this guy?” Samantha had mentioned him in passing.

“Yeah. He’s an asshole misogynist pig. Who treats the women who work here like his own personal slaves, and I am not even in his department. Now, again, why do you have a picture of him on your phone?” She was gritting her teeth as she asked the question.

“I can’t answer that, Elaine.” He crossed his arms in an attempt to get her to back off while he got in contact with his team and found the asshole before he had another chance to hurt Samantha.

“You already did. And, by the way, though I respect you and what you’re going through, don’t think for a second you can use that Dom voice on me or that it will work. I may be a submissive, but I am not yours, is that clear?”

Oh shit.She was pissed, and she had every right to be. “I’m sorry I overstepped, Lainie.” He stood and dialed his cell as he stepped away from the women.

“Yeah, I know what you need,” Dean answered on the first ring.

“Find him. This is priority number one. If he is aware Samantha made it out of there alive, he may try to finish the job.”

“How is the girl, anyway?” He could hear typing through the line.

“The girl? Really? Samantha is in surgery. She got the hell beat out of her, and if we hadn’t gotten there when we did, I have no doubt she wouldn’t have made it out of there alive. Find the asshole. Get with the rest of the Team and loop them in. I’ll be at the hospital as long as she is.” He hung up, giving Dean a taste of his own medicine.

Derrick went back to his chair and sat, waiting for the end of the surgery. Though he trusted his friends with his life, he needed to see her with his own eyes. The weight of his exhaustion nearly did him in as he waited. He had been going nonstop for days, and now he just needed to know she was okay. Then he could rest with her.

Derrick was staring down at his watch when he lifted his gaze to see Ian enter. Hours had passed, nearly eleven hours since he’d watched them wheel her away from him. Seeing Ian smile as he came toward them allowed him to relax slightly. Ian wouldn’t be smiling unless she was out of the woods.

Ian looked as exhausted as Derrick felt. “She’s out of surgery and has been moved to the SICU. Though they have open visiting hours up there, they will limit it to two visitors at a time.” He owed these men a debt he would never be able to repay.

“Thank you, man.” Derrick grabbed in and pulled him in for a hug.

Ian patted him on the shoulder. “Of course. She is yours, so that means she’s ours. Lainie can show you where you need to go to see your woman. Don’t cause any trouble, man.”
