Page 41 of Haven

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The sound of raised voices coming through may be what has me heading back inside, but it’s the fat tears clinging to Ashlyn’s dark lashes that has me moving through everyone standing in the living room until I’m next to her. More like in front of her. “What the hell’s going on?”

“Ashlyn was—” Juliette stops speaking when I turn my back on her and everyone else in the room and bend my knees so I’m face-to-face with Ashlyn. “You okay?” I ask as I wipe her tears with my thumbs.

She wraps her arms around my waist and leans her forehead against my chest. “I’m just tired and emotional, and I don’t want to make any decisions today.”


Juliette clears her throat. “What I was about to say, before you cut me off, is that we were just telling Ashlyn it might be better for her and Lindy to come stay with Becks and me until this gets straightened out.”

“We’ve got great security and the most privacy,” Becket adds. “Just think about it, Ashlyn. It’s the safest place for you both.”

“I’m not leaving my home. I’m not moving my daughter out of her home.” Ashlyn moves around me and sighs as I slide my hand to her hip. “I appreciate that you want to keep us safe, but we’re safe here.” Then she looks at Sam Beneventi, who hasn’t said a word up till now. “Can you get the security system in place today, Sam?”

“Yeah. My guys should be here soon. We’ll have this place locked down tight.” He wraps an arm around his wife and kisses the top of her head. “We’re going to head home now, so I can make sure we’ve got you covered. I know the cops are going to have guys driving by, but one of my guys will be sitting on your street until we find out who the fuck this asshole is.”

“Sam...” Ashlyn trails off, and Sam moves in front of her and kisses her head the same way he just did to his wife. Ashlyn’s big eyes blink up at him.

“I’ll let the police handle it. But we’re not taking any chances with you, you got me?” Amelia takes Sam’s hand in hers and hugs Ashlyn close to her.

“Let him do this, please?” she asks.

Most of the time, it’s easy to forget that Sam Beneventi is the head of the Philadelphia Mafia. When he’s with his wife and kids, he’s Sam, the family man or sitting at the poker table with a group of us shooting the shit like anybody else. But times like now, when he’s protecting his family... fuck. I wouldn’t want to cross this dude in a dark alley.

I take a silent step and motion for Hudson to do the same, then meet him in the kitchen.

My goofy fucking brother-in-law smiles like a teenager who just finger-blasted his first girl. Giddy almost. Bouncing on his toes. “Dude. Youarebanging Ashlyn.”

My hands snaps out and wraps around his throat in a split second. I don’t care if he is the former MMA champion. I have him up against the wall and standing on the balls of his feet so he can still breathe. “Say it again. I fucking dare you,” I growl.

“The fuck?” he wheezes.

“I was real nice when you wanted to be with my sister. I’d call myself supportive. And that’s the first fucking thing you say to me, shithead?”

“Sorry,” he wheezes again, and I loosen my hold. “Sorry. I wasn’t thinking.”

“Fucking right, you weren’t.” I let go and cross my arms over my chest. The tight knot in my stomach feels harsher than fucking ever. “Listen, I’ve got somewhere I have to go this afternoon, but I don’t want to leave Ashlyn and Lindy alone. Think you can come up with a reason to stick around for a little while?”

Hudson straightens his shirt and eyes me warily. “Yeah, man. I gotcha covered.” His goofy fucking grin slides back in place. “Does your sister know you’re going to be my stepdaddy?”

“What the fuck is wrong with you, Hud? Were you hit in the head one too many times in the cage?”

The big oaf shrugs. “Maddie’s got no complaints.”

“Fuck off,” I throw back. “I don’t want to know.”

“Nah, you don’t.” His eyebrows shake, and I shove him away, one step closer to my new end goal.


Sam wasn’t kidding. His guys had my existing security system ripped out and a new one in place not long after he left. Cameras cover every inch of my property and each corner inside our house. He also had a team upgrade the security at Ever After, since that’s where I spend most of my days. I assumed once that was done, my family would feel better about leaving. It’s rare that I’m the one everyone fusses over.

I should have known better.

As soon as I sent the text earlier, letting everyone know I might have a stalker and had called the Kroydon Hills PD, they showed up in full force. This family. They still surprise me.

The majority of them, including Brandon, had left a while ago. But Hudson, Becks, and Jules are still here, and they don’t seem like they’re leaving any time soon. Takeout was ordered and eaten. Maddie eventually headed home to put the girls down for a nap. And still there’s no sign the others are even thinking about leaving.

Instead, they’re watching a hockey game on the television that’s pitting family against each other. The youngest Kingston brother, Jace, plays for the Philadelphia Revolution. And this afternoon, they’re playing in Las Vegas against one of their division rivals. Jules and Becket’s adopted son, Easton, is the goalie for that team.
