Page 16 of The Wildcat

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And why is that?


Some things just are. Why? Are you a hockey fan?


You could say that.


Maybe you’ll come to one of the games and I can show you the error of your ways.


Maybe I will.


Gotta go. Sweet dreams, Cross.

I’m sure they will be with a new picture of Everly in a Kings cheerleaders’ uniform now burned into my brain.

This reporter has never been so glad for summer in the city to come to an end. Hello fall. Bring on falling leaves, pumpkin lattes, and football players. Speaking of players... Kroydon Hills’s favorite Kings player was caught canoodling with a buxom brunette last night in a tiny tavern just outside the city. Could this mystery girl be the one who finally catches Callen Sinclair, or is she just another fumble? Only time will tell... well, time and this reporter. Stay tuned



“Ooh... that candle smells like Fireball,” I tease as I sit down on the couch next to Lindy and happily steal a sleeping Griffin from her arms. This little man made his debut a few weeks earlier than any of us expected, and I may have lost a piece of my heart the day he was born. He’s only two weeks old, but I think he’s my new favorite person in the world.

“Hey, evil twin... Us non-alcoholics like to call that smell cinnamon,” Callen mocks me from across the room.

Lindy throws a pillow at Callen. “Didn’t know you were so up on your spices, manwhore.”

“Whatever. My mom used to make cinnamon toast. I like cinnamon. Leave me alone,” he fights back.

“Watch it, Callen, or I’ll tell Grandpa why you were really late to practice last week.” Grace flicks his ear for me. Uncle or not, Callen is only a week older than Grace and me, and we were all raised together. Torturing each other is basically our love language.

Our family is made up of actual family as much as friends we’ve chosen as family. We’re basically a mess. An annoying mess, but I wouldn’t change it for the world.

“You wouldn’t,” Callen mocks Grace, and she smiles back at him.

“Man, I missed you, Grace.” I run the tip of my finger down the length of Griffin’s nose and enjoy the way his tiny hands ball into tight little fists.

Tonight’s the first time my friends have all been in one place since Grace left for her tour at the beginning of the year. It did so well, they ended up extending it, and she only got back yesterday.

Lindy’s husband, Easton, walks in with Maddox a minute later, carrying enough pizza boxes to feed a small village. “Did you get?—”

“Yes, princess. I got your pineapple and ham pie,” Easton tells Lindy before she can finish her sentence. He opens that box first and hands her a piece.

“Dude, trouble,” Maddox groans. “That’s fucking disgusting.”

“Be nice,” Kenzie, Easton’s sister and one of my roommates, chides.

Maddox raises his brow. “I thought the pregnancy cravings were supposed to stop after the baby was born.”
