Page 56 of The Wildcat

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“You made sense.”


Ismile when I walk into the studio Saturday morning and find Bellamy and Kerrigan already there, talking with Gracie.

Grace is covering class this morning because I’ve got an early cheer practice and her dance practice isn’t until later this afternoon.

“Hey, little miss,” I squat down in front of Kerrigan, and she throws her arms around my shoulders and squeezes.

“Miss Evie,” she whispers, hanging on tight. I look up at Bellamy, whose got a sad smile on her face.

“She’s missing Cross pretty bad, so we decided to go to breakfast before class today. Sorry we’re a few minutes early.”

“I understand.” I pull back and smile at Kerrigan. “I’m missing your daddy too. But he comes home tonight.”

“But I’ll be sleeping by then,” she pouts.

“You will,” Bellamy agrees. “But we’re going to have a princess movie marathon, remember? We’re going to pop popcorn and eat cookies and watch all the movies until you fall asleep. Then when you wake up, Daddy will be home.”

“That sounds like so much fun,” I tell her as I stand and look around for Jax. “Where’s the baby?”

“Mom stole him from Bellamy a few minutes ago. She’s changing him in her office.” Grace sips her water. “You may never get him back. Mom loves babies.”

“Miss Evie...” Kerrigan tugs on my hoodie. “Do you want to watch princess movies wif us?”

“Oh, sweets,” Bellamy looks at me like she’s mortified. “Miss Evie probably has something?—”

“I’d love to watch princess movies with you. How about I bring the cupcakes?”

“Wif strawberries?” Kerrigan asks excitedly.

“As long as Miss Amelia has them, I’ll make sure we get them.”

Bellamy’s entire stance softens, and she mouths,thank you.

“Well what about me?” Gracie asks, and Kerrigan’s eyes double in size. “Do you have room for one more?”

“I think we can make room,” Bellamy tells her as Mom walks in from her office with a giggling Jax in her hands.

“There we go. All changed and happy, aren’t we, handsome?” She blows a raspberry on his cheek, and he coos as he smacks her face.

“Hi, Mom.” I move next to her and take Jax out of her hands. “Hey, little man. I missed you too.” He immediately fists my hair and buries that face in my neck, and I just breathe him in while the girls all stare. “What? Jax and I had a heart-to-heart last week.” I lean my head against his chubby little face. “We’re buds, right?”

He tugs my hair again and giggles, and suddenly everything feels right.

More right than it’s felt all week.

I turn back to Bellamy. “Any sweets requests for you?”

“Did someone say sweets?” Mom asks.

Grace shakes her head. “You two. How do you not both have a mouth full of cavities?”

“I always told you your good genetics came from me,” Mom scolds. “Do you girls have plans tonight?”

I look down at Cross’s shy little girl, smiling next to me. “We’ve got a date for a princess movie marathon.”

“That sounds like fun. You know... if you like football, you could come to the game tomorrow. It’s at home, and we have plenty of room in the suite. We haven’t had babies in there for so long. It would be so much fun.”
