Page 6 of Only a Kiss

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I dropped my menu because it had already failed me anyway, and pasted on a tight smile as I sat up.“Mr.Jones.How nice to see you.What brings you here tonight?”

Seriously, why did he have to look so good?My panties were already soaked just from the way his eyes locked on me with an intensity that left me aching.I still felt the effects of those thick fingers even days later, and the way he looked at me made me wish he knew that I had been the woman he brought to orgasm that night.That I was the woman who sucked on his cock until he came down my throat.I met his gaze, even as my heart swooned a little from being this close to him again.

Why, oh why, couldn’t any other guy make me feel even half as much as I did right then?How was I supposed to stop fantasizing about this man when he had this kind of effect on my body?When I could still remember the sounds he made as he came, or the feel of his fingers gripping my hair?

“Business meeting.What about you?”His gaze dropped over my tight, short, red dress that was riding up my thigh, and my heart nearly stopped at the way his eyes lingered for a split second on my cleavage before they shot back to my face.

Did I imagine that or did he just check me out?

“I’m supposed to be on a date.He’s running late.”At least I hoped he was running late.I wasn’t ready to think about the reality that I’d likely been stood up.

My phone beeped, and Mr.Jones and I both glanced at it to see Josh’s name pop up on the screen.I quickly opened the message, and my heart dropped to my stomach as I read his text.

I’m so sorry.I got called into a last-minute surgery.I was trying to ask around to see if someone could switch, but the attending specifically requested me.Rain check?

“Bad news?”

I put my phone face down on the table and fought against my body’s natural instinct to slouch in disappointment.

“Looks like he can’t make it.He’s a doctor and got called into surgery.”I didn’t know why I was trying to make excuses for Josh.It was our first date.But the idea of Travis judging my obviously poor taste in guys didn’t sit well with me.

Not to mention how suddenly pathetic I felt in front of him when this whole night had been a lame attempt to prove I could move on from these ridiculous feelings I had for him.Feelings I knew he could never reciprocate.

He watched me closely with a slight furrow between his brows before moving to the other side of the table and undoing the button on his suit jacket.“Then do you mind if I join you?”He pulled the chair out, but waited for me to respond before actually sitting.

I had to pick up my jaw from the floor as surprise washed over me in waves.My heart started beating faster than a hummingbird’s wings as I gestured to the chair.“Please do.”

This was completely unexpected, but even more than that, it was anxiety inducing.I knew what we’d done, but he didn’t.Already it was hard to keep from squirming in my chair as memories bombarded me with every second that he was in my presence.What if I did something that gave me away?

He sat, and his lips tilted up in the slightest smirk that made me squeeze my thighs together.Fuck, this man was sex embodied.I’d never been turned on so quickly in all my life, and all he’d done was exchange a few words with me and sit down at my table.

Oh, and gave me the best orgasm of my life two nights ago.

The waiter came over and took our drink order, then gave us a few more minutes to decide on our meal.As I perused the menu, I asked, “Did your business meeting go well, Mr.Jones?”

“Travis,” he said as he cleared his throat and closed his menu.

My gaze shot up to meet his, and the intensity once again made flutters stir in my belly.“W-what?”

“Please, call me Travis.Mr.Jones makes me feel old, or like my father.”

I took a sip of my water to give myself a second to calm down before my voice shook and gave me away.“Okay.Did your meeting go well, Travis?”His name rolled off my tongue like a lover’s caress.

I swore his eyes flared and his jaw clenched when his name slipped from my lips; his eyes even seemed to narrow as he watched me more closely.A shiver ran down my spine as I wondered if he recognized my voice from how I’d said his name when his fingers had been buried in my pussy—the way I’d breathed his name against his ear like a prayer as I came undone.Had I already given away too much just by saying his name?

“It did,” he said slowly before averting his eyes and shaking his head like he was shaking away an impossible thought.“It was just drinks with an owner I’ve been trying to work with for years, but the opportunity didn’t present itself until now.We’re discussing a bid for a future hotel project that could be great for my business.Tonight was a more casual feeling each other out thing, but it still feels like a step in the right direction.”

“I’m sure you impressed him.”

His mouth tipped up on one side as his eyes lit up.“And what makes you think that?”

I leaned forward and caught his gaze dropping down to my cleavage before shooting back up to my eyes.It happened so quickly I would’ve missed it if I hadn’t been watching him so closely.Excitement pulsed through my body.

“Because you’re passionate and brilliant at what you do.He’d be an idiot not to be impressed.No one would be better for a big hotel project than you.”

I wasn’t even blowing smoke up his ass.I’d never met anyone who worked harder than Travis.I’d always been impressed with his work ethic.How he did it all was beyond me, but it was admirable as hell.

Something in his expression shifted then, like he was seeing me for the first time.And maybe he was.We’d never been alone together—at least not that he knew of—and certainly never talked like this.Maybe it was time for him to see me as something other than his daughter’s best friend.
