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I gaped at him, struggling to swallow the lump that formed in my throat. “I don’t know what to say.”

“Say you’ll move in with me.” He pressed his lips to mine and then again to my cheek.

I nodded. “Okay.”

“Yeah?” Graham closed his arms around my waist and picked me up, turning us in quick circles.

When I nodded again, it was more eager, dropping long strands of hair into my face. “Yeah!”

He sat me on the ground, slamming his lips against mine while the world continued to spin. When it stopped and I opened my eyes, I looked around the room of Graham’s house—our house.

“Nowit’s perfect.”



Next Valentine’s Day

I skipped up the steps of our front porch, throwing the front door open. I was greeted by the clicking of claws on the wood floor and Bullseye’s excited grunts that turned to high pitched howling when he saw me. I sat the pizza I was holding onthe entry table, squatting down to scratch Bullseye behind both ears.

“There’s my boy!” I said, pursing my lips and making babbling sounds at him while he licked at my chin. When Bullseye dropped onto his back on the floor, offering me his belly, I laughed. Graham laughed too, and when I looked up, I found him standing against the doorway with his arms crossed.

“I thought I heard you come in,” he said, closing the distance between us.

I kissed Bullseye on the nose, giving him another scratch on the top of his head before I stood up. “I had to make a pit stop.” I nodded behind me at the pizza.

“I thought you wanted to go out tonight.” Graham lifted an eyebrow, ignoring the pizza and pulling me into his arms to plant a kiss to my forehead.

I blushed, and a swirl of arousal built between my legs. I sucked my bottom lip into my mouth and bit down. “I had a better idea.”

“So did I.” Graham’s eyes darkened, and I pressed my thighs together. I was sure we were on the same page, and I was ready to make a run for the stairs and to our bedroom when Graham stepped back and got on his knees. My mouth dried out.

“I thought I was supposed to be the one on my knees.” My voice sounded husky, and I cleared it, trying to disguise it with a nervous giggle.

Graham shook his head, reaching into his pocket. “Not this time.”

When he pulled his hand from his pocket, he was holding a ring. The round diamond sparkled in his fingers, and my vision blurred behind the sudden veil of tears that welled up in my eyes. “What are you doing?” I whispered.

“A year ago, I went on a date with a control freak who wanted nothing to do with me, and I let her beat me at darts.” Graham chuckled, reaching for my left hand, and I gasped.

“I won that game fair and square!” I half-shrieked, the competitive adrenaline I often felt with him swelling in my gut.

He smirked at the outburst. “And I’ll let you go the rest of our lives believing that if you’ll spend forever with me.”

“Graham.” My voice clung to my throat. The room felt like it was spinning too fast and standing still all at once, and I sucked in a deep breath.

“Chelsea, you’re the love of my life. Marry me.”

I nodded, and tears streamed down my face. “Yes. I’ll marry you any day!”

Graham jumped up from the ground, grabbing me and lifting me into his arms. I shrieked, and Bullseye barked, rearing back and resting his paws on Graham’s hip. He joined in the celebration with a loud howl, and a sob broke from my chest.

“I love you,” Graham said before he slid the diamond ring onto my finger. When he kissed me, there was the promise of forever, the promise that we’d come home to each other every day.

I nipped his bottom lip before pressing a soft peck to the red mark left behind. “I love you too. Happy Valentine’s Day.”

Graham curled his finger under my chin, bringing my lips close to his. “Happy Valentine’s Day, butterfly.”
