Page 14 of Terror

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“Quinn did tell him off. I know that much. She wasn’t exactly quiet when she went off on him. Told him she wasn’t giving anyone a message and that he’d never get his ‘cargo’ back from us. Also told him the club has eyes on his every movement and will make sure he doesn’t kidnap anyone else. That’s when I showed up and gave him my opinion on the situation. He threatened me and the diner, saying he’d make sure no one kept coming in to eat there and I’d have to close. Then he went on to say he’d take me and Quinn to keep as his or some shit like that. I just know he said we’d be his. Then he’d go after every woman attached with the club before moving on to the kids,” Haley informs us all.

The rage we’re all feeling fills the entire room and it only amps my own rage up even more. This motherfucker threatened to take my wife and use her as he pleases. He’s going to torture and rape her for his own sick pleasures because we won’t give him what he wants. Well, I’ve got fucking news for him, he won’t get his hands on my wife or any other woman involved with the club. The kids are fucking untouchable. We’ll keep them even closer than we already do to ensure they’re safe and not at the mercy of a sadistic fuck.

“Thank you, Haley. You can go out now. Make sure the kids and ol’ ladies are all here. I don’t want anyone outside the clubhouse right now. There’s not many of us out there to keep an eye on them,” Venom says, looking at Haley as she nods her head and leaves the room. “Now, I want all kids and ol’ ladies on lockdown. They are not to leave the fucking clubhouse for any reason. The only ones leavin’ are those who have doctor’s appointments. We all know there’s a few who can’t get out of those appointments. I’d have Doc come here, but they all have the doctor they’re seein’ for whatever reason. When they go to these appointments, I want four brothers and two Prospects with them at all times. No one is to get close to them. Two men follow them back to the exam room and wait outside the door so you know who comes in and out of that fuckin’ room. Goose, you keep Sami here where no one can get close to her. This is fuckin’ with her and none of us are gonna let more be added to the nightmares she already suffers through.”

“Are we all goin’ on lockdown?” I question, not sure what Venom wants to do.

“No. We’re gonna do what Quinn said and keep eyes on that motherfucker every second of the fuckin’ day. I want someone bein’ his fuckin’ shadow around the clock. Don’t give a fuck if he knows we’re followin’ him either. Let the motherfucker know we’re on his ass. It will do one of two things. Horton will either fuckin’ mess up because we’re gettin’ on his nerves, or he’ll stop with all this bullshit altogether. Plus, he’ll hopefully lead us to the other men who were workin’ with Claw. We’ve already taken out half of his security team and I have no doubts he’ll replace them but he’ll be careful about who he chooses movin’ forward. Let’s use everythin’ to our advantage as much as we can,” Venom answers, one of his evil smirks on his face because we’re gonna take plenty of pleasure in making the mayor’s life a living hell.

We all nod our heads around the table. When no one has anything else to add to the conversation, Goose lets us know he’ll keep digging into the mayor to find out all of his dirty little secrets. Anything we can use against him will only add to what we’re working with. Venom calls church and we all make our way back out to the common room. Quinn is still sitting at a table with her mom as I make my way over to her. Before I can even get to her, she’s trying to hide a yawn. My wife is tired and doesn’t want to let anyone know. That’s not gonna work for me.

Picking Quinn up in my arms the second I get to her side, I carry her to our room and close the door behind us. Venom and the others can let everyone else know what’s going on. My only concern is Quinn and getting her in bed. Stripping my wife out of her clothes, I help her in bed before making sure she’s got her snacks and two bottles of water on the nightstand next to her side of the bed. Once I’m sure she’s got everything she’ll need for the night, I make my way to my side of the bed and climb in next to Quinn after stripping. Pulling her in my arms, I let my exhaustion take over and pull me into a deep sleep. My wife is safe in my arms and our baby is safe in her belly. I don’t need to be anywhere else right now.

Chapter Ten


HAVING THE MAYOR sit down with me at the diner two weeks ago was bullshit. I should have expected something like that, but it didn’t cross my mind that he’d pull something like talking shit to me out in the public eye. I’m glad Haley stepped in though and didn’t leave me hanging on my own. Though, I know Tyler would’ve come over and gotten me out of the situation because that’s why he’s following me around. Instead, he let us handle it the way we did so we didn’t feel like we were damsels in distress who need to be saved. That’s not always the case because there are situations we can get out of on our own. That shit with the mayor is just one of the times we were able to handle the situation and make him leave with nothing more than a few words.

The scariest part for me was him threatening to take Haley and me. I saw those girls when they were brought in from his house and they looked like they’d been through hell and back. We all know what Sami went through when she was taken as well. This man is sadistic and doesn’t care about doing anything except inflicting as much pain as possible on his victims. I would do everything in my power to protect Haley from him ever touching her, the same as she’d do for me. However, I’m pregnant and that means the possibility of losing the baby because of him and whatever he chooses to do with me if he actually does take me. So, I don’t know what to do or think. Other than not wanting to leave the clubhouse for any reason. Not even to go to my doctor’s appointments.

None of us are supposed to be leaving for any reason though. All the ol’ ladies and kids are to be kept in the clubhouse with a few members and Prospects to watch over us. At any given time, about half the members and Prospects of the club are gone. They’re either out working or searching for any information they can find on the mayor. The guys are slowly building a case against him. I’m not sure what they’ll be doing with that information, but we’ll find out when it happens. For now, we’re all trusting the men we’ve grown up with to protect us, do their job when it comes to the mayor, and then make sure they all come back to us in one piece. At the end of the day, we all want them to walk back through the clubhouse doors without a scratch on them.

My dad has been spending most of his time at the clubhouse with my mom and me. He does go out and search at least once a day though. Plus, he’s followed the good mayor a time or two. He loves following that asshat around because he taunts him and gets in his head. That’s something my dad has gotten really good at over the last few years. He can get into someone’s head and play on their fears without blinking an eye. I honestly don’t know where he learned to do this shit, but it’s awesome to see. He’s actually done it to Brick a few times and my brother has lost his absolute mind.

Today, I’ve got a doctor’s appointment. I’m really nervous about leaving the clubhouse and would rather have Doc take this one and give the information to my obstetrician. However, Wicked thinks I should go to the office so we can talk about things because my morning sickness isn’t getting any better. My husband is also really scared about the pain I had in my stomach. Even though we know it’s the ligaments and things stretching to accommodate our growing son or daughter, he wants to make sure nothing else is going on.

“Little princess, we don’t have long before your appointment. Are you ready to go?” my dad asks, walking in the room Wicked and I share.

“I am. Dad, I don’t want to go out of the compound. What if the mayor makes good on his promise? He can hurt you guys and take me. I don’t want anything to happen to any of you or my baby,” I tell him, tears filling my eyes once again.

“Quinn, we’ll all be okay. I know you’re still shaken up from the encounter with the asshole. Trust me, if I had it my way, he’d already have a bullet in his brain because of what he did to you. Instead, we’re playin’ the long game and we’ll take him down. In the meantime, nothin’ is gonna happen to any of us. Horton made that spectacle public. Too many people are gonna know somethin’ he’s involved in happened if we’re taken out or anythin’. We’ll get you to the doctor’s office and back without incident. Plus, Venom and Ricochet are tailin’ him today. They’ll know if he leaves his office. I can also tell you Goose worked his magic and put shit on his cell phone and the phones in his office. He can hear every single call comin’ in or goin’ out,” my dad tries to assure me as he wraps his arms around me in a hug only he can give me.

Before we can break apart so I can gather what I need, there’s screaming coming from the common room of the clubhouse. I hear booted feet running down the hall past my room, and my dad is shoving me behind him as he pulls his gun out. Fear fills me as I grab onto my dad’s cut and bury my face into his back.

“Daddy, what’s going on?” I ask him, my voice trembling as I try to hide behind him.

“I don’t know, little princess. I’m gonna go out there and you’ll stay in here. Go in the bathroom and lock yourself in the room. Grab anythin’ you can to protect yourself. Does Wicked leave a gun in here?”

“It’s in his nightstand. He always leaves a gun and extra bullets in here for me in case something happens,” I answer him, looking at the stand.

Wicked has made sure I know how to load the gun, shoot it, and that I’m not afraid to use it when it’s absolutely needed. He’s taken me out back and away from the clubhouse to practice shooting. I actually don’t mind having the gun in my hand and shooting. At least I didn’t until right now. I don’t want to be responsible for taking a life. However, if it comes down to someone else or myself, I’ll protect myself at all costs. Especially being pregnant.

Walking over to the nightstand, I grab the gun and bullets from the drawer they’re kept in. We’re really gonna have to talk about moving it now that we’re about to become parents.

“I love you, little princess. Get in the bathroom . . .,” he begins before the door of the room is kicked in.

“Police!” a man yells out, holding a gun in front of his body and pointing directly at my dad. “You’re going out to the main room. Let’s move!”

With a nod of my dad’s head to let me know to follow orders, we both make our way out of the room as the officer follows behind us. I watch on as more women and kids are led to the common room at gunpoint. The kids are screaming and crying as their mom’s try to comfort them and let them know everything is okay. Nothing about this is okay. These officers shouldn’t have weapons out when there are young children here. An accident can happen in the blink of an eye and they can’t control that. No one can.

“Down on the ground,” the officer says, pushing me to the floor roughly as my dad starts to turn in his direction.

“Are you fuckin’ kiddin’ me? She’s fuckin’ pregnant you asshole,” my dad shouts, getting in the officer’s face.

“On the floor!” the officer yells out again, not putting his hands on my dad at all.

Instead of getting on the floor, my dad remains in the officer’s face, his entire body rigid with rage as he looks over his shoulder at me.
