Page 32 of Terror

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I watch as Lopez’ face goes pale and he knows that he’s fucking done. This isn’t just some bullshit case against him. We’ve got him for what he did to my wife and that’s not going to get him a simple slap on the wrist before he’s released once again. The stupid fuck. I smile at him as he goes completely silent. Brick offers Lopez a little finger wave while smiling like a lunatic. Lopez is put in the back of the lead man’s car while remaining silent. Yeah, once he saw us, the fucker knew he had nothing left to bitch about. I don’t give him ten seconds before he’s turning on Horton and anyone else he can to try and cut a deal and get less time. However, we all know that’s not going to happen. They’ve already told Rossi none of them will be offered deals for the shit they’ve been doing.

If anything, they’ll be put in prison with several men they’ve helped put away on trumped up charges. We don’t honestly have to make any calls or anything to get the fuckers dealt with while in prison. Their own actions are going to make sure they suffer. However, that doesn’t mean we’re not going to make those calls and throw in a few favors because we want Horton, Lopez, and everyone else to suffer as much as they possibly can.

“I’m gonna drop you guys off at the clubhouse and head to the hospital. I’ve gotta get the car seat and shit in the truck so we’re ready for this afternoon. Hell, I don’t even know if Quinn has the diaper bag with her. I’ll have to call and find out,” I say as we start to get back in the truck breathing a little easier now that these fuckers have been arrested.

“Wicked, calm down. There’s no way in hell Quinn doesn’t have the diaper bag and everythin’ ready to bring Brindley home. The only thing that hasn’t been done is openin’ up the last of the gifts we all got you. The diaper bag has been packed since Quinn could start movin’ around and I’m sure it’s the first thing she grabbed after learnin’ your girl is comin’ home today. We’ll get the car seat in the truck and then I’ll go with you to the hospital. I can ride home with mom and dad,” Brick tells me as we make our way back to the clubhouse.

“You’re right. I’m losin’ my shit here,” I tell him with a small laugh.

To say I’m nervous would be an understatement. My entire family will be under one roof and I’ve been waiting for this moment for weeks. Brick helps me get the car seat in the truck once we get back to the clubhouse. The second we’re done, we get in and take off to the hospital. I’m ready to see my daughter and let my wife know everything has been taken care of with Lopez. That’s something Quinn needs after what he’s done to her.

Quinn and I have spent a few hours at the hospital now. The doctor has been in to talk to us and we’ve gotten our girl dressed in the outfit Bailey brought down for her. She’s changed it up a little over the years. Brindley is dressed in a little pair of jeans with a onesie that has the Wild Kings colors front and center. Surrounding our colors, it says ‘Property of Wicked’. The back of the onesie says, ‘I’ve got my daddy wrapped around my finger and he doesn’t know it’. There’s a little bow that Quinn put on her and the smallest pair of little biker boots I’ve ever seen in my life. Everything is slightly too big for my girl because of her small size, but she’s the most adorable fucking baby I’ve ever seen.

Quinn’s taken about a hundred pictures of Brindley in her little outfit. Especially once I showed up and picked her up. Steel came in to hold her and Harley has been in with her as well. Quinn has pictures of all of them holding our little one with her outfit on. The only one who hasn’t been in the NICU today is Brick. He can’t stand being in here and has honestly only come in maybe twice since Brindley was born. We all hate hospitals for the most part, but Brick really hates coming in the NICU. I think it’s seeing all the babies in here and knowing you can’t do anything to help them. Most of them are so small and have so many wires and tubes connected to them. It’s definitely hard to see little ones like that. If it weren’t for my daughter being in here, I can honestly say I wouldn’t step foot in the place.

“Are you guys ready to take this little one home?” Andrea asks, walking in the room we’ve been in with papers in her hand.

“We’ve been ready for so long,” Quinn answers with a large smile on her face.

Andrea goes over the instructions with us and makes sure we have everything ready to go. I put Brindley in her car seat while they’re talking and cover her up with a blanket. Quinn pulls something out of the diaper bag once Andrea leaves the room. Looking at my wife, she attaches some kind of cover to the car seat and pulls it down over our girl so no one can see her. I pick the car seat up as we leave the NICU for the last time together. However, Quinn stops just before we walk through the door and turns to look at the staff who are all lined up as we leave with Brindley.

“I can’t thank you all enough for how good you’ve taken care of our daughter. You’ve all been there for her when we had to leave her and go home without her. Every single one of you went above and beyond what you had to do to make sure we had constant updates on her and that we weren’t surprised by anything when we walked through this door every morning. These babies are truly lucky to have you taking care of them. I hope all the parents here realize what angels you truly are. Thank you,” Quinn says as tears roll down her cheeks.

After hugging all the staff, we finally make our way out of the NICU for the last time and get surrounded by our family. Since being in here, my parents have shown up along with a few other members and ol’ ladies. None of us hesitate in the hallway up here. While there’s no longer a threat since Horton and everyone was arrested, we don’t want to linger in the hospital either. Over the last several weeks we’ve spent more than enough time here and I’m ready to go home. Now it’s just appointments and making sure Quinn is fully healed.

Steel and my dad don’t leave our side as we get down to the main floor and start to head out to my truck. Brick takes my keys and runs ahead to pull the truck up close to the door so we’re not walking a crazy distance with Brindley. It’s chilly today and I don’t want her out in this weather. It looks as if it’s going to start snowing or raining any fucking second now. So, as soon as Brick has my truck pulled up to the end of the sidewalk, I get my girl put in the base for the car seat and make sure everything is as it should be. Instead of getting in the front seat as normal, Quinn gets in the backseat next to our daughter. Brick just looks at me and I shake my head for him not to say anything. Quinn isn’t going to let our girl out of her sight for any reason if she can help it. Not on the day we bring her home.

Chapter Twenty-Two


BRINDLEY HAS BEEN home for two weeks now. I spend every second I can with her despite being cleared a week ago to resume normal activities and released to go back to work. I haven’t even gone back to work or talked to Goose about being put back on the schedule at the Pit Stop. I’ve been enjoying spending my days with Brindley while everyone else goes to work and gets things back to normal after dealing with Horton and the dirty cops here in Cedar Bay. Wicked has gone back to work, but he mainly works half days and does all the paperwork here at the clubhouse so he can be with us. My husband hasn’t even pushed for us to have sex. So, I’m about to change that shit tonight once we put our daughter down for bed.

Since bringing our daughter home, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking. While the men and ol’ ladies work and leave the clubhouse for various reasons, I’ve been the one taking care of all the kids. I never thought I’d want to not have a job and stay at the clubhouse taking care of kids all day long, but it’s been so much fun. I’ve planned activities for them, we’ve baked, and it’s allowed me to be here with my daughter instead of having to leave her in the care of someone else while I’m at work. The only time I call in anyone to help is when I take the kids swimming. That’s just too many little ones to keep my eyes on in the pool. So, some of the club girls come in to help me in the pool. Not all of them because there are some real bitches here. But a few of them who go out of their way to help us around the clubhouse have been helping me. Now I just need to talk to Wicked and Goose about what I want to do moving forward.

After getting Brindley dressed and in the carrier someone got us, I make my way out to the common room. Wicked was going to get us breakfast before coming back in to help me. I don’t need help and it’s time for us to stop hiding out in our room when he’s home. While I love spending time with just my family, we have an entire large family who want to see Brindley too. Today everything is about to change. I’m ready to move forward with my life and do what I truly enjoy while also helping out the club at the same time.

I find Wicked talking to my brother and Otter at a table. Walking up to them, I stop next to my husband and look around the room.

“I thought I was bringin’ you breakfast in the room?” Wicked asks me, wrapping his arm around me.

“You were. I finished getting her dressed and ready for the day so I thought I’d come out here to eat breakfast with everyone. It just sucks that mom and dad aren’t here any longer,” I tell him, looking around the common room again.

Mom and Dad went home last week. They helped us for a few days with Brindley and made sure we were good before heading back to Dander Falls. Gage and Riley went with them so they could all get a little extra time with their grandbaby before leaving for home again. We all miss having them here, but it’s time for them to get back home and make sure everything in Dander Falls is running the way it should be.

“Okay. Let’s eat then. I’m starvin’ and have to head to work soon. I’ve got a full day today,” Wicked says as he pulls out a seat for me to take.

“While you eat, I’ll take my niece,” Brick says, a smile on his face as he holds out his hands for Brindley.

With a laugh, I undo the carrier and hand her over to her uncle. Brick has been spending time with Brindley every single day. He comes in our room, plops down on our bed, and pouts until Wicked or I hand her over to him. Then he disappears either into his room or the nursery to spend time with her. I’ve caught my brother singing to her, telling her there will be no dating until he says so, and other things. Wicked has said the same thing to our daughter. It’s funny as hell because I’m sure all the men have told all the little girls in our family the same thing.

“Wicked, I have to talk to you about something,” I say when it’s just Brick, Wicked, and me at the table.

“What’s goin’ on, baby?”

“I don’t want to go back to work. I’ve been cleared for work and everything else, but being away from Brindley isn’t something I want to do. I’d rather stay here at the clubhouse and take care of the kids for everyone instead of spending hours away from our daughter. The last two weeks have been fun and I’ve really enjoyed not having to rush off to work or anything else. The only time I’d need help is when Brindley or I have an appointment. Other than that, I can be here and no one would have to worry about their kids while they’re at work,” I tell my husband as I eat the eggs, sausage, and toast he got for me today.

“If that’s what you want to do, then do it. I’m not gonna tell you no or stop you from doin’ what you wanna do. If you want to be a stay-at-home mom, then do it. I’m sure if you wanted to find some kind of job doin’ paperwork here at the clubhouse on a part-time basis or somethin’ we could arrange that too. You figure it out and we’ll go from there,” Wicked tells me as he finishes his coffee. “I’ve gotta head out to the gym now. I’ll be home as early as I can, but I’ve got two classes and a few new members comin’ in that I need to work with.”
